i looked thru ur acc & ur so weird lmao. u have read multiple stories w rape in them but u come on here & act like ur better than everyone else. don't act like such a god damn hypocrite. its kinda funny cus it seems like u hate read most of these manhwas. if u don't like stories that have that sort of content, then just avoid it? all the chapters under this manhwa literally have a trigger warning and there r three tags stating 'rape', 'black flag' and 'psychological' so u literally know what ur getting into.
for someone who claims that they hate this manhwa so much, u sure spent ur time writing this paragraph. and this isn't even ur first time either... r u bored?
like at the end of the day, nobody is forcing u to read this so find something else to read instead of coming on here & hating.

I understand what you mean, it's hard for me to reason with the story. I wanna say the manhwa suggests the long term effect and trauma SA victims have especially when they don't get justice/don't seek mental help(ML), and perhaps the deterioration and misery abuse victims deal with mentally (stuck to their abusers) making them depend to their abusers (MC), basically Stockholm syndrome. But it feels like the message of the story is so implied, for the most part the description of the assaults are so grotesque it doesn't really bring out the message first glance.
What's the point of making such story, if not for unhealthy voyeurism and brain rot, honestly?
I'm asking this for those who camp here everyday to defend like hyenas this title and can't seem to find even one little wrong aspect to it.
There's hardly any real reason or value as to why a content like this should exist, aside the fact that it exists because it was created and mostly for porn consumers.
What at first appeared to be a revenge bl reveals to be another rape porn of the worst kind. It was written in a way that you can't sympathize with the characters or blame them totally for their wrongdoings bc you realize that both are absolute trashes, so what's left? The porn. This enables the readers to satisfy their voyeurism and mortiferous curiosity without feeling bad.
It seems bl authors are unable to write a decent revenge plot without turning it into a shit show of degrading obscenities with mindbreak. Thanks to the Korean readers who protested, if not there's chance you'd read beastiality too with this one. This poor Jiwook have no idea... And we all know that if not for the handsome characters, and mostly the art bringing it, you fans of such would be there wanting to wash your eyes clean and a refund for your wasted time - just like for Pocket n°7. Lol.
And before invoking Hannibal Lecter... Classic movies like Silence of the Lambs, Saw or series like Dexter have a moral dimension to them and a MESSAGE to convey. There's injustice, crimes but also RETRIBUTIONS. Punishment. The criminals pay their crimes by losing their lives or being sentenced to prison. The spectators bear the movie till the end bc they know the outcome of such actions. This makes the movie, book... digestible and bearable.
In this case of Reverse Thinking, message is nonexistent. There's no retribution nor redemption, only harm. Any reader who was expecting something is left hopeless and drained. It feels like a mental assault.
Don't give the excuse that all this brutality and g/rape is fictional, therefore we should let it a pass for everything. Litterature and art, science, start with an idea and concept, but have the power to move societies and influence the world. We know that for some people, Star Wars has become a religion and philosophy. Some genius writers are deified... So depending of the situation the word 'fiction' is either willingly omited, or brought up as justification bc you porn consumers have no other reason as to why you can enjoy this type of thing.
I personally don't have issue reading controversial stories involving sa, rape or violence, simply bc yaoi is populated by these books. I, though, have issues regarding gratuituous violence and poorly written plots.
About that last point, this story have a problem of consistency and rationality - should I say, just like other pornwas with Stockholm Syndrom (No Reason, the Bad Life...).
After ml rape and beat the shit out of mc, they always joke, kiss and laugh, do 'banters' as if that was normal human interactions. Though inconsistent, the authors need to include these little exchanges bc if not, it will fall into the category of horror, and not 'bl' :')
Last paragraph:
To be clear, I have dropped that title a while ago. This won't be the last of the sort and I'm afraid this is just the start of a florilège and mass production of these extrem, violent contents in Manhwas, for the bl genre. This is what is popular now, and this is what you want it seems. Titles like KS, Warehouse, An Easy Target... had contributed to the production of works like Reverse Thinking and other Corrosive and now these vulgar stories amplify that tendency. Many more authors will try their hands on this niche ; they want to work and get their bag and they know that it will garanty them exposure and money.
Stories like this just make me want to stay away from bl, tbh, specifically from manhwas. Aside some valuable titles lost amongst the growing mass, majority of bl manhwas are porn with same forgettable plots and ever growing p*nis. Tired.
Where's the romance, the forbidden love, the build-up, the mystery, where's the intrigue...?