she needs to save herself from heartaches (and us from headaches) by leaving his ass for g...

333stargurl March 6, 2025 1:14 pm

she needs to save herself from heartaches (and us from headaches) by leaving his ass for good. like that’s not even his child so why the fuck is he so invested, and he’s not even seeing that it’s posing a problem in their relationship. you’re about to start a family with your fiancée and you don’t know how to establish boundaries what the fuck

    Elihinata March 6, 2025 2:17 pm

    seriously, since the beginning he's been so emotionally unavailable too :/ they're not a good match in my eyes

    hobag March 6, 2025 2:30 pm

    Maybe marriage is too big a leap for two people who are so behind the love game. They're not losers, but Tatsuo sure doesn't behave like an adult either. Her ex(I forget his name) showed tremendous growth of character while this man is fostering his cheater ex-wife and bastard child. Wtf, man.

    333stargurl March 6, 2025 7:18 pm
    seriously, since the beginning he's been so emotionally unavailable too :/ they're not a good match in my eyes Elihinata

    right, reminds me that i said in an earlier comment that i never cared for their relationship nor have i felt any spark between them

    333stargurl March 6, 2025 7:29 pm
    Maybe marriage is too big a leap for two people who are so behind the love game. They're not losers, but Tatsuo sure doesn't behave like an adult either. Her ex(I forget his name) showed tremendous growth of ch... hobag

    tbh i feel like they’re pressuring themselves to be together bc they feel like they need to hurry to settle down bc of their age. fuck society for ever letting us feel that it’s “too late for love”

    also it just goes to show that it’s one thing to admire someone for their work ethic and how reliable they are at a professional setting, but actually experiencing who they are behind closed doors is another. the tatsuo chapters showed us for who he is beyond the surface— a trash of a lover and a man.