
JihoochiLee March 6, 2025 5:56 am

Guys some freak in the comments who said they’re excited for the future chapters because the ML will be toxic WHICH is NOT TRUE btw don’t believe them because the translations are caught up with the RAWS!!!! (And I’m pretty sure this does not have a novel so the toxic rumour is fake news lol)

    sui bian March 6, 2025 8:02 am

    lmao Jaeyi's like one of the most dumb cutie patootie tops that ever existed. Mooyoung basically got away with all the stupid scams he could come up with. i was laughing myself to death with their antics. if anything it's Mooyoung's ex who's the red flag

    Purplebutterfly March 6, 2025 8:58 am

    How can Jaeyi possibly be toxic? He’d have to have a complete personality transplant for that to happen. The guy is such a sweetheart.