welcome to demon school iruma-kun mashle my roommate is a cat sk8 the infinity gakuen babysitters tanaka-kun is always listless the yakuza's guide to babysitting play it cool guys
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (severely underrated anime, PLEASE watch this first) Wotakoi Horimiya Non Non Biyori Yuru Camp are some I remember other than the ones above, I hope you enjoy dear!
Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (severely underrated anime, PLEASE watch this first)WotakoiHorimiyaNon Non BiyoriYuru Campare some I remember other than the ones above, I hope you enjoy dear! Jenny
anime with light tone? like saiki or uramichi or gekkan shoujo nozaki kun or natsume's book of friends