I'm glad we agree that this looks more painful than pleasurable. I'm aware I shouldn't be reading this if I'm going to complain, but whatever, I'm venting regardless.
I know that this isn't meant to be fluff or even all that pleasurable for uke, but seriously, how can the seme worry about crying uke but literally just cause him pain all other times? It's not even all that nice to read, if it was somewhat pleasurable s&m that would be different, but this is just torture for the uke. :'( the author is making it so that I DON'T care for the seme at all, regardless of his background. Idk if that's the authors intention, but if it is, great job to them. If it's to make me enjoy the twisted smut, and think that the pain of the uke is hot, then it's not, it's just uncomfy and irritating that the seme is acting worried then abusive. I just feel bad for the uke and want him to escape w/o developing feelings for the seme.
I'm glad we agree that this looks more painful than pleasurable. I'm aware I shouldn't be reading this if I'm going to complain, but whatever, I'm venting regardless.
I know that this isn't meant to be fluff or even all that pleasurable for uke, but seriously, how can the seme worry about crying uke but literally just cause him pain all other times? It's not even all that nice to read, if it was somewhat pleasurable s&m that would be different, but this is just torture for the uke. :'( the author is making it so that I DON'T care for the seme at all, regardless of his background. Idk if that's the authors intention, but if it is, great job to them. If it's to make me enjoy the twisted smut, and think that the pain of the uke is hot, then it's not, it's just uncomfy and irritating that the seme is acting worried then abusive. I just feel bad for the uke and want him to escape w/o developing feelings for the seme.