That wannabe vigilante pisses me off so much its crazy. Intention is good but his braincells are NONEXISTENNTTTTT who the hell fights/takes action before analysing or checking the info u received?? dumbass the only good thing he did was making mc getting more self reflect
no, i think experiencing emotions while reading even if they are strong or intense can be more fulfilling than reading without feeling anything at all (also thats a comment from weeks ago u dont have to tell anybody to calm down tbh )
no, i think experiencing emotions while reading even if they are strong or intense can be more fulfilling than reading without feeling anything at all (also thats a comment from weeks ago u dont have to tell an... onigiri
Y not? It's a comment section I can ask whatever I want, you don't need to answer tho
That wannabe vigilante pisses me off so much its crazy. Intention is good but his braincells are NONEXISTENNTTTTT who the hell fights/takes action before analysing or checking the info u received?? dumbass the only good thing he did was making mc getting more self reflect