Okay,so here I want to ask for help with your opinions.So I have a female friend, I'm not ...

ᥫ᭡陈悦ᥫ᭡ March 5, 2025 1:14 pm

Okay,so here I want to ask for help with your opinions.So I have a female friend, I'm not really close to her to be honest.Short story, this woman always tries to talk to me and be close to me, even though I have ignored her.Until I gave up and finally thought if just talking about small things was okay.Then I got to the point where I felt something was strange and it was proven that this woman said that she liked me.Honestly, I was shocked but I didn't show it too much because I didn't want to offend this woman.And to be honest even though I like reading something deviant, for example (BL).But it was just for fun, and I liked someone of the opposite gender to me.

I don't mean to offend anyone but I need a solution to my current problem as well.What I thought was to be honest, but when I searched for a solution through Google, no one could help. *sigh*
It's very difficult especially when I have to deal with someone with sensitive feelings.

    Misanthropical March 5, 2025 1:41 pm

    Even if this friend of yours is a sensitive person, the best thing you can do is to be direct with her. Tell her upfront (but in a gentle manner) that while you appreciate her feelings, you don't and can never reciprocate them because you are straight and have no interest in other women. It's the best way to reject someone whilst minimizing the inevitable hurt feelings.

    ᥫ᭡陈悦ᥫ᭡ March 5, 2025 1:48 pm
    Even if this friend of yours is a sensitive person, the best thing you can do is to be direct with her. Tell her upfront (but in a gentle manner) that while you appreciate her feelings, you don't and can never ... Misanthropical

    Thank you ,I will say exactly as you said. I hope that woman will not be stubborn.