I am a horror enthusiast, I consume a lot of horror. This is not good horror. If it can even be considered that. This is killing/stalking overkill type shit where the serial killer is now permitted to exist because it’s a magical demon and the mc is a unlikable POS who is unbelievably selfish and disgusting. What is the point in exploring another psychopathic serial killer who is now above humans because it’s a magical demon (its ok guys, he’s just cool, he’s made to be like this and live on instinct), and once again, what is the point in watching the magical demon help the shitbag mc come to terms with the fact that he isn’t a normal person, he isn’t good nor is he kind, he has no principles to speak of, he’s just a wittle guy who has a fetish for being abused and cannabalized and would voluntarily watch someone, a bitch, be beaten and violently cannabalized to get off instead. And this is just like Black Mirror by Mahwa and Sugeun. Except this is more fucked up.

I know your take is shit just alone from the way you're talking about killing stalking lol that story is to this day unmatched it's so well written + you can't say you're a horror enthusiast and break down at the most common horror display ever damn chill out put your phone down get some fresh air dude

We just don’t see eye to eye, I guess, idk what to say, man. I really think that story was a trash heap. I’m sick of psychopathic serial killers and delving into their minds or some bullshit. I see no value in that personally. For ex Color recipe, that is good psychological horror, you have someone to grab onto, to root for, are they going to escape? How will they get out of this fucked up situation? There’s nothing to grab onto here, no likability.

Also a horror enthusiast, and I don't think you can call this 'bad' because there are no heroes here. To me that it is the deepest levels of horror that few author's delve into. Can it be fetishy? A lot of times yeah. Hypersexual and hyperviolence often blurs into shock value. But to me, this is a super interesting story where the MC has a taboo fantasy realized by a psychopath. And the psychopath is manipulating that knowledge to get the MC to do his dirty work. Curious to see where that goes.
Japan is known for it's fucked up horror. This doesn't even scratch the surface of the demented works Japan has produced. It's fine to not like that content (some of it was even too much for me) but I don't think it's fair to call something bad if it's not to your taste and if it reaches the level of horror that actually disturbs you.

You are basically saying no one can critique any work of art because someone somewhere may like it. Some of the horror Japan goes into is terribly bad and gratuitous. And they also produce lolicon shit, boku no pico? Sometimes things are bad. A shitbag realising his fetish with the help of a magical demon at the expense of women and girls is one that I reserve the right to call terrible. What is the point? A character study? I don’t know man, sometimes things are just gross and bad. Did we have to see a grown man get off on a child head stomping another child? Was it absolutely necessary to show what a scumbag he is? Was it truly? Also why not have the victims be men? If it goes the entire manga with the majority of the victims being women while the characters continue to say terrible misogynistic shit while the women are portrayed as terrible annoying irrational hysterical bitches, when does it stop being “yeah these guys are terrible of course they’re misogynistic” to saying something about the author? Maybe it’s because I used to listen to true crime that this disturbs me more than usual. There are truly some real fucked up people who think this way and have done horrific things to fulfil their fetishes at the expense of the lives and bodies of real people. Serial killers are known to have rich extensive internal sexual fantasies that over time compel them to realize them. Sound familiar? Israel keyes, dahmer, toy box killer, btk killer (he enjoyed asphyxiation), Barbie and Ken killers.

The fact that there's only been one significant female character in a matter of THREE chapters yet you continue these "what ifs" is insane. You said that you enjoyed color recipe in another comment, so what difference does color recipe do in portraying it's dark themes compared to this story? In fact, what about Harada's stories in general? Genuinely? As much as you sit here and complain about the misogyny of the mcs, the way you constantly refer to the women (or rather the only women so far) in this story as "annoying hysterical bitches" is truly nasty work, it doesn't help your case AT ALL, it makes you sound misogynistic as well. Especially when she's simply mentally unwell. And please lay off on the true crime, assuming anyone who includes themes that you may not like to be a murderer is strange. Saying why can't men be the victims then proceeding to accuse the author of having such a fucked up fetish is ironic.. Once again, we are only three chapters in, so I really don't know how we got to real life murderers.

Color recipe is interesting because the stalker starts out as a powerful force that is terrifying, he’s good at socializing, great interpersonal skills, intelligent, manipulative, and disgusting but in the end you see him reduced to pathetic little man that he truly is, our victim could truly see this and is no longer afraid, unfortunately this doesn’t always end like this in real life. Harada didn’t use blatant misogyny or a shocking seen of a man getting off to kid attempting to murder another kid. And Harada didn’t skirt around and leave room for the stalker to be sympathised with, the author here is like maaaaybe our mc is just an unfortunate little guy with a little fetish, look at the poor dude battling against his inner nature because society will never accept it. Despite everything, despite trying his best, and despite you thinking he was going to get everything he wanted, the stalker doesn’t. It’s a thriller. The reason I brought up that I read it is to say that I do read fucked up shit, I am not naive to fucked up shit, I can handle it, I just think this is particularly bad and I don’t like it. It’s my opinion, just ignore it man.
I don’t know why you didn’t get the sarcasm when everyone else who read my comments got it but I don’t think the women are l i t e r a l l y ”annoying hysterical bitches” that is what the characters constantly refer to them as and that is how the author portrayed them to be. It is obvious she is just mentally unwell, she needs help and she did try to get it which is excellent, unfortunately, her counsellor, the person she trusted, was a scumbag. I thought this was obvious? “She deserved to die because she was so annoying” or “don’t you feel better now that she’s dead even though you’re a scumbag who chose to sleep with your patient ignoring her extremely vulnerable position instead of admitting her into specialized care?” Or “look at how terrible she is for lying about her kid and her family, I would never lie like that even though the poor woman is just going through some serious problems and I took advantage of her and slept with her” I’ll make sure to put the quotes everywhere else.
The demon has exclusively said that he wants women victims and his new hunting grounds are vulnerable patients going through challenging shit that the shitbag mc despises and should be taking care of. Idek.
I don’t believe the author has a weird fetish, I never said that? I believe the author uses a lot of shock value and is maybe misogynistic. We can’t call them truly misogynistic yet, we can examine to see if that’s true at the end so yeah, that is probably too soon to say.
I said I used to listen to true crime, like two years ago. And most serial killers have really fucked up fetishes and fulfil it at the expense of living breathing people. Why not reference it?
i dont think you guys should be reading horror stories if you take this so literally at its surface level and then attack the author because you didnt like it.