The only thing I can think of that would make Myeonggi avoid Jingi would be if the letter ...

Isemoir March 5, 2025 1:10 am

The only thing I can think of that would make Myeonggi avoid Jingi would be if the letter said something about Jingi doing something to kids. Like beating them up or sum bc Myeonggi has younger siblings that he cares for and atp that could be the only thing that rattles him after all he's been through.

    Isemoir March 5, 2025 1:26 am

    I saw someone comment about the uncle being the actual disgusting criminal and Jingi is just taking the fall. There is plot to this story afterall!!!!

    Isemoir March 5, 2025 1:31 am


    - Jingis uncle committed a child related crime.
    - They strike some kind of deal, maybe to get his brothers sentence shorter or a cushy prison life?
    - But Jingi takes his Uncle's place.
    - The letter talks about child related crime.
    - Myeonggi rightfully feels repulsed by Jingi because he thinks he's the one that comitted that crime

    jinu March 5, 2025 2:05 am
    LOCKING IN MY THEORY:- Jingis uncle committed a child related crime.- They strike some kind of deal, maybe to get his brothers sentence shorter or a cushy prison life? - But Jingi takes his Uncle's place.- The ... Isemoir

    Okay this does make sense bc anything else I doubt would scare him based on everything they've done. I reallyyy want to know what was in that letter lol