RIGHT!!!! THE FREAKING DOUBLE STANDARDS. You can never please people. Nth will be good enough. Like legit don't go after the author unless it's some really sick twisted shit then I'd be like.... okay you need to reevaluate but just for being a man illustrating an interesting manhwa.... I'm disappointed. Don't hate on my Man! He's cooking with thissssss.
Ps. Don't take me too serious I ain't owning up nobody. I just think the author probably being a man shouldn't be a big deal. He's serving!!!!

I mean they’re within their right to be upset about it. Female writers do already get a lot of slack. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything positive about female BL authors I don’t think this is exempt from the same treatment. Now me personally, I really enjoy this manhwa, but I won’t mind if people hate on it since it’s a very understandable reason.
Listen...if y'all don't like the drawing and proportions there's other manhwas to dive into. And just because the author is a guy we're gonna get all technical over things???? It's their work. You don't gotta read. Let's try to be more supportive the plot eats I'm so curious about what's next.