Ahhhh it makes no sense now why seo-in’s mom crashed out when she saw them together. Esp...

yeddi March 4, 2025 10:07 pm

Ahhhh it makes no sense now why seo-in’s mom crashed out when she saw them together. Especially if jaewon is dead she probably blames yeongwoon for it to some extent.

    Baby tiana March 4, 2025 10:09 pm

    Is she high?? Why would his pathetic death have anything to do with yeongwoon? Some people and their misplaced grudges. If she never adopted seo in and just concentrated on caring for her son, maybe he wouldn't have ended up this twisted and actually lived

    yeddi March 4, 2025 10:14 pm
    Is she high?? Why would his pathetic death have anything to do with yeongwoon? Some people and their misplaced grudges. If she never adopted seo in and just concentrated on caring for her son, maybe he wouldn't... Baby tiana

    Oh she definitely is lmao, i have no doubt she’s known about the way jaewon treated seo-in but it seems she would do anything to keep that perfect family image. Including not holding her son accountable and instead placing his actions onto someone else

    Gigi March 4, 2025 10:41 pm

    noo i think she doesn't want seoin to find out she's the reason Yeongwoon left him , and that his brother was the reason he stopped doing judo given he gave him a permanent damage t his body and that his mom gave his dad the money to shut them up and to split the boys up ...i think thats the reason why she doesn't want them to reconect again