She do the deed with that man, then sleep 3 years and awake with a wound what is left after c-section /yes I the c-section is leaving that kindvof wound/ was she pregant after the dirst night?! Then whats with the baby? . And yes, I checked the novel, she haved a child named Damian, AND HE HAVING FEATHERS AT HIS BACK. Guess what her childhood friend raising him, and he does not want to give him back to FL and ML....ML know from him sooner, but he didn't say anything because he didn't care at kids, and didn't want FL beeing hurt.
She do the deed with that man, then sleep 3 years and awake with a wound what is left after c-section /yes I the c-section is leaving that kindvof wound/ was she pregant after the dirst night?! Then whats with the baby? . And yes, I checked the novel, she haved a child named Damian, AND HE HAVING FEATHERS AT HIS BACK.
Guess what her childhood friend raising him, and he does not want to give him back to FL and ML....ML know from him sooner, but he didn't say anything because he didn't care at kids, and didn't want FL beeing hurt.