i’m a completionist so i can’t bring myself to drop it, but i just feel like the set up of the plot is so week, so the night before a blind date set up by her mother she decides to have a one night stand, then the next day she finds out that same man is her blind date. So her mother approves of this rich guy, the ml is interested and wants to date her but the fl doesn’t because? she hooked up with him before so at the very least she is physically attracted to him and he is also heavily courting her, the only reason they really give is because she slept with him the first night they which is giving very much purity culture ideals. Isn’t this situation a win-win? it would’ve been different if she said that she said she didn’t want to pursue him to rebel against her mother and she just so happened to hook up with him before but she doesn’t even want to to that so why????
i’m a completionist so i can’t bring myself to drop it, but i just feel like the set up of the plot is so week, so the night before a blind date set up by her mother she decides to have a one night stand, then the next day she finds out that same man is her blind date. So her mother approves of this rich guy, the ml is interested and wants to date her but the fl doesn’t because? she hooked up with him before so at the very least she is physically attracted to him and he is also heavily courting her, the only reason they really give is because she slept with him the first night they which is giving very much purity culture ideals. Isn’t this situation a win-win? it would’ve been different if she said that she said she didn’t want to pursue him to rebel against her mother and she just so happened to hook up with him before but she doesn’t even want to to that so why????
sorry this was long