He's freckles guy is:
One Jaewon SHIT
Two Can be a friend of Yeonwoon confused Seo in with the brother SHIT.
Three A Random Kid that KNEW about the Beat up but he do not know that seo in was innocent.
It's very confusing
Cause Seo-In was traveling when The Bullying Happened. He doesn't know about it, neither why Yeonwoon dissapear cause that.
He know it when The model guy reveal it like a sacandal.

Yess! I don't think the guy with freckles is Jaewon, because we never see Jaewon with freckles! I think it was a friend or someone who knew about the beating. And I think because Seo-In was away for 3 months, it would have been really easy for Jaewon to find a way to blame Seo-In for Yeongwoon's beating.

Omg i have so many theories.
1. The day Yeongwoon told Seo-In "how much longer do we have to keep hanging out? I'm sick of it", we already know that this is the last time Seo-In saw Yeongwoon before he left. I think this is the same day the "kiss" between Jaewon and Seo-In happened. Which leads me to my next point:
2. Yeongwoon was the only person that Jaewon could never "beat", so the only way for Jaewon to beat him was through Seo-In. So i think the "kiss" was Jaewon's plan to get back at Yeongwoon.
-> Jaewon said something along the lines of "don't look at me the way yeongwoon does", meaning Yeongwoon KNOWS he can beat Jaewon, so he looks at him like Jaewon is not a big deal to him, he's nothing. But then he sees the way Yeongwoon looks at Seo-In, and it's totally different. Because Seo-In IS a big deal to Yeongwoon. So he plans for Yeongwoon to see the "kiss", because he knows it's the only way to get back at him for always beating him, and it's also a way to get back at Seo-In for being the only one Yeongwoon takes seriously.
3. In the previous season, Seo-In's aunt (or someone) mentioned that Yeongwoon was always coming over, and was always playing with Seo-In AND Jaewon. I don't think Yeongwoon knew about the hatred between the two boys - i think he thought he was friends with both of them.
4. Seo-In always acted as Jaewon's "shadow", beating people up for him, etc. AND during the scene where Yeongwoon is getting beat up, one of the guys says something like "Seo-In only hung out with you because (...)". So it wouldn't be too far-fetched if maybe Yeongwoon thinks that Seo-In knew the beating was happening—that Jaewon was maybe doing it ON BEHALF of Seo-In for the feelings Yeongwoon caught for Seo-In. Which is maybe why Yeongwoon "can never understand" Seo-In—because Seo-In shows him a side of himself that doesn't match with what Yeongwoon went through on Seo-In's behalf.
5. As I mentioned in another post, I think the mom thinks SEO-IN was behind Yeongwoon getting beat up—that she thinks Seo-In told people to go beat him up because Yeongwoon "had feelings" for him and thought it was "disgusting" -> that's why when she sees the scandal with Seo-In and other men, she says "Seo-In would never do that" and she's SHOCKED to see them together at the hospital. WE know Seo-In is not behind the beating, but I don't think anyone else knows the truth, which was why the random kid with freckles told Seo-In that he "has no right" to look for Yeongwoon.

lol i accidentaly sent it (pls mangago make the delete comment feature omfg) the mom actually knows everything about yeongwon got bullied by jaewoo and she was trying to cover it up (as you can see the mom tolerate that evil twink bitch bcs he's sick or whatever) the mom paid yeongwoon's dad money in order to keep silent from what happened between yeongwon and jaewoo (i can only assume that the mom made agreement so that yeongwoo no longer appears in her sons life) yeongwoo's dad took the money so he could pay his debt to hyung and hyung decide to took care of yeongwoo at that time. (this is all happened when seo-in was abroad)
seo-in and yeongwoo have biggest missunderstanding at each other because of that evil twink (guys pls talk it out before i crash out). seo-in thought yeongwoo left him arbitrarily without explanation because yeongwoo doesnt actually like him (that's why we always see the flashback in seo-in's POV when yeongwoo said he was sick of him) and seo-in has abandonment issues, in the other hand, i think yeongwoo being manipulated by jaewoo (im glad he's dead) into thinking that seo-in had ulterior motive to befriend yeongwoo (i mean yeah he does) and there's no way seo-in would be friend with regular person like yeongwoo.
Do you guys thing it's possible that, with everything we know now, the mom thought seo-in was behind yeongwoon getting beat up? Which is maybe why she's so surprised to see them together on the last chapter of season 1?
Maybe his brother made up some sort of lie along the lines of yeongwoon trying to get with seo-in, and so seo-in got people to beat him up because he was disgusted by it. And that would also maybe explain why, when the mom sees the "controversy" online with some dude hanging off of seo-in in the picture, she thinks "seo-in would never do that".