TBH i kinda understand why he treats Seo-in that way. Like imagine youre slowly dying and ...

RandomPasserby March 4, 2025 5:49 pm

TBH i kinda understand why he treats Seo-in that way. Like imagine youre slowly dying and your mom basically already found a replacement. Like thats fucked up, theres a guy who looks just like you waiting to take your place after you eventually die. Like why else did the mom adopt someone who looks so much like him?

    chocobuun March 4, 2025 6:01 pm

    Yeah but it’s not his replacement. It’s the replacement for his twin brother that likely died when he was very young. Thinking that’s his replacement, would just be thinking everything is only about him lmfao

    JulyInAugust March 4, 2025 6:02 pm

    The people gossiping before she meet him said it, he had a stillborn twin. He is the replacement for the already dead twin, not the dying one.
    But I'm not even sure the children knew there was a dead twin and it's still fucked up anyway.
    But honestly more than the dying child it's the parents that disgust me. Bringing in a child while theirs is dying, enabling his violent behavior with the excuse that he is fragile and dying, being so freaking incapable to cope with loss that they emotionally destroy two kids in an attempt to avoid facing reality. They're just pieces of shit that deserved to die before they ruined all of the kids life.