aw hell nah bru. imagine u were the childhood friend excitedly rushing over to see an old friend and that mf claims UR the faker and when u pull out a keepsake to prove it HE MAKES LIKE A GANG OF MEN PULL UP ON U they lucky im not in that manhwa cuz I would’ve been off my feet yanking back that pretty blond twink’s hair and start swinging alr like what ta f. in fact idc ima start round house beating everyone up at that scene like it was a duck duck goose ring GOSH
Real i would’ve been out for blood like wdym you started a whole thing to find me only for you to pull out the whole gang to beat me up after YOUR BUTLER TOLD ME TO GO BACK GOR YOU N I HAD PROOF??? nah I wouldn’t even wanna look at that twink
Real i would’ve been out for blood like wdym you started a whole thing to find me only for you to pull out the whole gang to beat me up after YOUR BUTLER TOLD ME TO GO BACK GOR YOU N I HAD PROOF??? nah I woul... red
lowkey feel like the bottom’s such a saint because with that build i would’ve been WREAKING havoc and bulldozing through everyone like a quarterback who found out his gf cheated on him pre game
aw hell nah bru. imagine u were the childhood friend excitedly rushing over to see an old friend and that mf claims UR the faker and when u pull out a keepsake to prove it HE MAKES LIKE A GANG OF MEN PULL UP ON U they lucky im not in that manhwa cuz I would’ve been off my feet yanking back that pretty blond twink’s hair and start swinging alr like what ta f. in fact idc ima start round house beating everyone up at that scene like it was a duck duck goose ring GOSH