I feel the same way. I can't enjoy the side stories cuz Daon's "love" does not come off as genuine to me. Like I feel like his feelings will instantly wavry at any moment. Atp it feels like seunghyeon loves him more than he does and I feel like the author portraits seunghyeon as just Daon's safe space and comfort, not someone Daon has come to truly love.
And it's really not help how seunghyeon has expressed himself more and has shown more love to daon while daon remains being somewhat of a tsundere always "holding back" in expressing his love
Tho I like to think I'm being too pessimistic and exaggerating
I have an uneasiness regarding Daon and Sunghyeon‘s relationship. I keep thinking Daon may break up with Sunghyeon. I don’t sense genuine love from Daon. Maybe I’m just paranoid.