If being stupid were a crime, she’d deserve a life sentence in both timelines. Are we re...

Ciel March 5, 2025 1:07 am

If being stupid were a crime, she’d deserve a life sentence in both timelines. Are we really supposed to side with her just because she’s the MC? Her actions are infuriating, and her decisions only made things worse for that poor man. I can’t believe she allowed shock therapy to be used on him, it’s downright cruel.

In her current life, she didn’t make a single smart move to sustain herself. Instead, she continued acting all stuck up, as if that would somehow save her from her impending doom. Once again, she relied on a white knight to rescue her this time around it was his sister.
ML is the biggest victim in all of this, and I find it hard to empathize with someone who continually victimizes themselves through their own stupidity.

The more I brood over it, the more she infuriates me. I don’t understand the author’s attempt to portray her as the victim when she’s clearly the perpetrator. Is this some subtle commentary on women having a victim complex, as opposed to the usual trope of men acting foolish? If so, that might actually make more sense than what’s being presented here.

I know I’m always asking for more FMC’s that leave their trashy male behind, but this is taking it a step further, she stole the opportunity from him and became the trash in the relationship lol
She needs to drop her mental gymnastic routine, it has to be made a mandatory course at trash academy

I’ve sm more to say but this site won’t let me. Nevertheless, it’s a good romantic read with great quality. It’s beautiful, because it accurately represents that time period and its people.

    Ciel March 4, 2025 8:36 pm

    I couldn’t post my full review since it was too long, so I’m gonna add onto what I said in the replies, although it will most likely get deleted as well.

    It’s almost ingrained human instinct to notice the crooked doctor’s obvious attempts to sow discord between them. Something was obviously afoot. Yet time and time again, she proves herself to be selfish and irresponsible. For instance, she didn’t even bother to check what movie she begged ML to watch, which ended up triggering his trauma and turning him into a public spectacle. That was the last thing he needed for his recovery. And then, she allowed that doctor to torture him further.

    This man lost his entire family, his friends, and became disabled, only to be treated horribly by his own wife. He even took on the duchess’s responsibilities, drowning himself in work while she got to relax with all the luxuries at her disposal.
    She’s been a spoiled brat her whole life. When has she ever faced any true suffering? She couldn’t stand the attention not being on her for once. All she ever thinks about is herself “Why isn’t he focused on me when his life is in ruins?” Even the servants could see how dead wrong she was. I’m baffled that she’s still carrying the same mentality after being reborn.

    Honestly, she disgusts me. Her sheer stupidity can’t excuse all her decisions, she’s just shameless.
    The quality is good and while it may be a good read, I’ll never side with MC, she’s one of the worst cases of victim complex that I’ve ever had the unfortunate opportunity of witnessing.

    Meow March 5, 2025 2:14 am

    first, the time the story takes place is when there was no improvement in psychology or any science, it's like saying "why did they pull out teeth with pliers" that's cause they didn't have the technology & knowledge! second nowadays doctors trick people to do things they don't actually need, then think about the time when most of the people hadn't enough education.
    third, FL shouldn't be all mighty & rightous, & the ML is not a villain. the problem is the readers always want to put the blame on a character.

    Ciel March 5, 2025 2:54 am
    first, the time the story takes place is when there was no improvement in psychology or any science, it's like saying "why did they pull out teeth with pliers" that's cause they didn't have the technology &... Meow

    You’re not actually saying anything nor have u addressed any of my points lol what an empty response. You don’t need to be a medical expert to see that something was seriously wrong. That man was clearly being tortured right in front of her, and his condition kept getting worse while the doctor acted incredibly shady. Any functioning adult with a brain could recognize that he was being used as a test subject for something completely new in the medical field, something with no basis or evidence to support it.
    She had all the resources at her disposal. If she truly cared for him, why not hire renowned doctors from around the world to weigh in on his condition and this sus treatment method?
    Being willfully ignorant doesn’t exempt her from being a co-conspirator in his demise. She’s very much responsible for what happened, and I’ve already overexplained why. Maybe you should work on your comprehension skills before jumping the gun to become white knight 3.

    It’s downright pathetic how people like you act like every char is perfect and can do no wrong. MC isn’t some helpless child who doesn’t know any better, she’s a grown woman who keeps making terrible decisions time and time again. She doesn’t get a free pass just because other ignorant ppl want to make her out to be a saint. She’s accountable for her harmful actions, plain and simple. Hope that helps, bird brain.

    TheAnonUser99 March 5, 2025 8:31 am
    You’re not actually saying anything nor have u addressed any of my points lol what an empty response. You don’t need to be a medical expert to see that something was seriously wrong. That man was clearly be... Ciel

    I couldn’t have put it more eloquently even if I tried. I wish the pov wasn’t hers. She’s not a savior, she’s not even smart…

    Anyway, thanks for the great review

    Meow March 5, 2025 10:52 am
    You’re not actually saying anything nor have u addressed any of my points lol what an empty response. You don’t need to be a medical expert to see that something was seriously wrong. That man was clearly be... Ciel

    you didn't understand my point either, miss all-knowing. where did i say Madelyn's a saint & Ian's the abd guy? lol. if you think my response is empty you can read it again baby. i don't think you have to be rude because not everyone approve your belief.
    what i said is true if you search about it, not everyone who let doctors do that treatment wanted them to die or hurt them, it was a valid treatment in the past! if you don't know they use it now too, but on worst case patients not people who just have PTSD like Ian.
    search about them first then jump at me, lol people like you like to force their opinion & i don't know why, but i don't think i deserved to be insulted.

    Meow March 5, 2025 11:03 am
    you didn't understand my point either, miss all-knowing. where did i say Madelyn's a saint & Ian's the abd guy? lol. if you think my response is empty you can read it again baby. i don't think you have to b... Meow

    how much i read my previous cm idk how you read that to think i became Madelyn's knight & where did i support her deeds! i clearly said FL shouldn't be all rightous, if she was there wouldn't be any story! stories start when something's wrong, like when the FL find out her bf have been cheating on her & etc. here, she did him wrong & that's why she came back to past to try treating him better, if she didn't hire the doctor they would live happily & the end of the story

    Ciel March 5, 2025 3:05 pm
    you didn't understand my point either, miss all-knowing. where did i say Madelyn's a saint & Ian's the abd guy? lol. if you think my response is empty you can read it again baby. i don't think you have to b... Meow

    It certainly wasn’t seen as a valid treatment by everyone, there were PLENTY of criticisms about it even back then. I think you’ve only heard one small part of this history and immediately took it as the only valid truth without looking up other perspectives, like this author ig. Reality isn’t one dimensional, maybe YOU should’ve done your research before spreading false historical “facts.” What you’re doing here is trying to absolve the MC of blame by claiming that “no one is perfect.” But her actions go far beyond just being a flawed char, she’s caused and continues to cause too much harm to still be seen as a likable protagonist or a good person, for that matter. Only a saint can do dm wrong and still be viewed as a good individual, so there you have it. She IS to be blamed.

    I have no issue with flawed chars, Medea is my all time favorite. But using that as your response to my detailed critique, where I’ve laid out every reason why she’s so terrible? Yeah, that’s not it. Go glaze her in your own comment if you want, but your response to me was far too foolish. Ppl should think twice before jumping into a convo without a valid argument to back them up. Hold your tongue if you’ve got nothing meaningful to add.

    Savana March 5, 2025 5:12 pm

    You said it all very correctly. Madelyn wasn't revived just to escape her own death, but she was given the chance to make better choices. Unfortunately, she has a very limited and self-centered view of life. That's why things are the way they are.

    Worse than her is Isabel.

    Ciel March 5, 2025 6:00 pm
    I couldn’t have put it more eloquently even if I tried. I wish the pov wasn’t hers. She’s not a savior, she’s not even smart…Anyway, thanks for the great review TheAnonUser99

    Thankyou <3

    Ciel March 5, 2025 6:02 pm
    You said it all very correctly. Madelyn wasn't revived just to escape her own death, but she was given the chance to make better choices. Unfortunately, she has a very limited and self-centered view of life. Th... Savana

    Indeed, it’s very unfortunate that they’re written this way, because otherwise it’s a great webtoon. I’d rly like to know what author was thinking ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍