How do y’all find this hot

Whyamihere March 4, 2025 4:03 pm

This dude is so ugly he looks like an albino porcupine who had a wish to become human except Zeus granted that wish, nutted in a cloud, and came out with this white MF who is so pale when i started this series i thought his hand was in a glove. No. He looks like gollum from lord of the rings but if he was sexy according to people who have 0 taste. If the police take a UV light to his skin is going to go right through him and you will be able to see his veins, arteries, capillaries, and cells but you wouldn’t see bones cause they blend into his skin. SM Entertainment is calling because this man is the bleach white they want their female idols to be the fan sites wont even have to whitewash him on photoshop he just acts as a natural skin bleacher. If you put him on stage he’s going to be so bright everyone in the audience will get cataracts when the sun shines on him he will get every form on skin cancer. Melanomas are running towards his unmelanated ass at a speed that would make v = cn embarrassed. If he were to ever pursue another profession after this, he would be advised against becoming a college professor because anybody sitting outside of a 1 foot radius in the classroom would think he left space on the whiteboard since he’s so white they think he’s a extension of it.

    Icy_Reality March 4, 2025 4:09 pm

    Damn a whole paragraph with fire writing just for Jay? U and the fans are the same, obsessed also some of us don't really care coz their chemistry is so good nonetheless. I pity the ppl who can't get pass the looks and art even when the story is good

    PRETTY SEME X TOUGH BUFF UKE March 4, 2025 7:54 pm

    the of the chapter already funny and now this, i cant hold it anymore LMAO

    Desperado March 4, 2025 9:54 pm

    Understood. I’ll be happy to take Jake off your hands for you. Yes, I am willing to make this sacrifice just for you

    You’re welcome