doggo March 4, 2025 3:48 pm

This might sound unsympathetic asf. I don’t mean it like that. But why THE HELL do manhwa/manga/etc authors ALWAYS get sick and go on hiatuses???? Also where are they making their moneyyyyy. Genuinely, it’s becoming weird how often they get sick. Are they just permanently depressed, not sleeping, not taking care of themselves. Like they’re adults, they should know when to rest etc………????? I need answers

    jelly March 4, 2025 4:06 pm

    If you’re not an artist, listen, because have u heard of carpal tunnel syndrome? It’s a common HAND/WRIST injury that artists experience because they are drawing nonstop and it is very painful that some are having troubles moving and using their hands on long-term basis.

    Adding to the factor of why they always go on hiatus is example, the issue of publishing company that overworks their employees/artists and of course anyone can get sick if they are treated bad on top of being tired from working.

    So all in all, it’s not weird that they always get hiatus but in fact it’s a good think because they can get time off for themselves so don’t be upset just because they want a break, they might not want the hiatus but their mind and body needs it.

    Irusu March 4, 2025 4:11 pm

    They mostly have issues with their hands or spines tbh. Try drawing 24/7 because u need to meet your deadlines and u usually do not have time to rest, like they really do not give you time to rest. So most of them overworking themselves and get paid not as much.

    玄羽 March 4, 2025 4:14 pm

    well, they have strict deadlines they must meet. that could literally mean that they draw 24/7…………..like imagine putting out a chapter every week, you would have to plan and draw almost every single day. once you get behind, it is so hard to get back on track unless you take a break. they work for a company that makes sure chapters are being put out constantly and are paid based on how well the story/chapter does on the licensed website. more often than not, it is NOT A LOT. with that being said, most of them need to make a living, so they don’t really rest. it is always until they get so sick/unwell to the point they can’t draw anymore, they take a break……so it’s understandable that their health takes a toll :( it’s not an easy job to be an artist for a manga/manhwa.

    doggo March 4, 2025 7:26 pm
    If you’re not an artist, listen, because have u heard of carpal tunnel syndrome? It’s a common HAND/WRIST injury that artists experience because they are drawing nonstop and it is very painful that some are... jelly

    I kinda completely forgot about carpel tunnel. I am an artist but I definitely don’t draw as much as they do so I’ve only had it once. I’m not upset because they want a break and I’m not at all mad or annoyed in anyway. I know it came off as rude, I was just genuinely curious cuz it happens so often!