I actually got mad at kaho too wth Also that was a bit of a dumb move for renako to need ...

Maju March 4, 2025 1:03 pm

I actually got mad at kaho too wth

Also that was a bit of a dumb move for renako to need the money

    renren March 4, 2025 6:54 pm

    same omg... i know that the things she said became water under the bridge by the end but still thinking about it made me mad.... it was so easy for her to say those things ;///

    Maju March 4, 2025 8:16 pm
    same omg... i know that the things she said became water under the bridge by the end but still thinking about it made me mad.... it was so easy for her to say those things ;/// renren

    Ikr I'm still mad like renako worked so much courage for that