Just a small snippet from the novel.

FUCKMAKINGACCOUNTS March 4, 2025 8:14 am

In the novel, Ruth fell in the water and wanted ya to not miss out. I found it funny. Hope ya will too.

She tried to lessen her guilt by meticulously checking wounds whenever she could and giving them herbal tea at hourly intervals to numb their pain. One dark after days of endless activity, Idsilla secretly came up to maxi.

“Lady Calypse.”

Maxi looked up inquiringly from a remedy she had been preparing. Idsilla placed her finger over her mouth and motioned with her head for maxi to come out quietly. After glancing about, Maxi stepped out of the tent.

“this way,” Idsilla called impatiently.

The girl walked around the camp and stopped near the city walls. She hid behind a bush and pulled Maxi down, forcing Maxi to crouch next to her.

“w-what on earth... are we doing?”

“Look over there,” Idsilla replied, pointing beyond the bush.

It dod not take long for maxi to realize why the girl had brought her here. A line of knights was entering the wide open gate.

Idsilla leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "they are knights from Wedon who have come to collect provisions."
Maxi grew wide eyed. True enough, the knights’ surcoats bore the crest of Wedon.. Her heart raced at the thought Riftan might be among them.

“They will probably leave as soon as they’ve collected their rations.”

“S-so quickly?” Maxi asked in surprised.

Idsilla nodded. “Now would be the only time for us to talk to them. What would u like to do?”

Maxi bit her lip. Even if Riftan were not among the men, she would be able to hear news of him. Concealing her face further beneath her hood, Maxi cautiously stepped out of the bush.

“I’m sure no one would notice me... i-if I pretend that I am helping. I might be ... able to o-overhear some conversations."

“I will go with you.”

Maxi shook her head. “t-two would be conspicuous. You should return to the tent... before anyone notices your absence. If i hear news of Livadonian knights...I-I will be sure to tell you.”

Idsilla seemed to consider this for a moment. Seeing the logic in Maxi words, she obediently turned around to leave. Maxi hastened to where the Wedonian knights were. Ass she approached the knights’ barracks, she heard Durk Aren’s booming voice.

“It must have been a tiring journey. Come inside. You should try to get some rest while the soldiers load the provisions into the wagons.

Biding behind a wagon, Maxi watched the knights as they entered the tent one after the other. She intended to approach one of them to inquire about the situation on the frontlines. She was eyeing each one to find the mildest looking among them when one of the last to enter caught her attention. Maxi’s wyes widened.

“Sir Eilliot?”

So Sir Elliot Charon, who had been among the men trapped inside Louivell Castle, led soldiers through the city gate. The sight of his familiar face that she had not seen in months made her well up with tears.

Although Riftan had apparently managed to rescue them, Maxi had still been worried that some of them might be gravely injured. She wondered if the rest of the men were also all right. She was dying to rush over to ask about the others but she knew that Sir Elliot would send her packing to Levan if he saw her.

Maxi was about to creep away when she caught sight of Ruth’s weary face and found herself unable to move. Her heart filled with joy as she gazed at the face of her sorely missed friend.

How worried she had been for that pesky meddler!
Ruth’s gray hair was longer, messily covering his neck. His normally lean face was thinner, and he looked exhausted.

He let out a long yawn and dismounted from his horse. Maxi smiled; although she stood quite some distance, she could hear him grumbling about something.
He said something to the knights and headed to the stream. She hesitated for a moment, then dashed after him.

Ruth fanned his face as he got to the stream and noisily washed his face once he reached the water’s edge. After making sure no one else was around, Maxi cautiously approached and crouched beside him.

With her shabby clothes and grubby face, Ruth did not immediately recognized her. Thinking that she was just a female cleric collecting water, he flicked an indifference glance at her before continuing to splash about washing his dirty hands and feet.

Groaning, Maxi nudge his arm. Only then his blue gray eyes focus on her.

Maxi blinked and awkwardly smiled at him. “I-its been a while, Ruth. I am glad... to see you well.”

Ruth sat bolt upright like a man struck by lightning, and his mouth dropped open as though he were about to scream.

Hopping like a rabbit, Maxi quickly covered his mouth. Her motion sent Ruth’s scrawny body plunging into the stream. Maxi robe got soaked in the process.

She gazed up at him beseechingly, tears in her eyes. “p-please ... do not make a scene. No one else kn-knows... that I am here.”

Ruth stared at her as tough he could not believe what he was seeing, then gaped when he noticed her monastic habit.

Ruth’s jaw quivered. He clutched his forehead as though overcome with a dizzy spell.

“I heard that you were staying at the monastery, but... did you really decide to join the monastic order of your own accord? what about sir Riftian?!”

“W-what... n-nonsense?!” Maxi yelled shrilly.

Surprised by how loud her voice had come out, maxi nervously glanced about. Soldiers leading horses down the hill darted suspicious looks at them.

Growing anxious, she hastily whispered, “the Habit... is so I could follow the s-support unit. I am currently... working as a h-healer’s aid for the camp’s wounded.”

“An aid?” Ruth repeated like a parrot.

Maxi seriously considered giving him a good blow to the head so he could think clearly like he used to.
:I do not have time t-to explain. Before you leave, I want to hear about... everything that has happened. I-is Riftan... well? Is everyone.. a-all right? I was told that some were injured-“

“wait, hold on!” Ruth shouted irritably, rising from the water. “You cant just say what you want after appearing out of nowhere like that. I need time to arrange my thoughts.”

He narrowed his eyes and slowly scanned her from head to food, as he wrong his dripping robe. Suddenly conscious of her disheveled hair, clammy face, and ragged clothes, Maxi blushed.

Ruth covered his face with his hands and let out a long groan. “By God... Does Duke Aren know you’re here?”
“I told you... no one else kn-knows,: Maxi mumbled, pulling the hood that had slipped back into place.
Ruth frowned as though he finally understood what was gong on. “Sir Riftan will be furious if he finds out!:
Startled, Maxi covered his mouth again. “Please... keep your voice down.”

Ruth stared up at the sky like a man whose patience was being tested and mumbled a short prayer.

“Why in God’s name are you doing this to me? Couldn't you have kept all this secret from me as well? I dont see why you had to drag me into this.”

Maxi’s eyes narrowed at his overly harsh words. The happiness she had felt at seeing him, which nearly brought tears to her eyes, quickly dissipated.

“I-is that all you have to say.. when we haven't’ seen each other for so long? A-and to think i was so worried about you!”

“Did you think that I would dance from joy at finding out?” Ruth retorted sarcastically with a snort.

Indignant, Maxi lifted her chin. “Won’t it be fine... a-as long as I make sure that it does not cause you any trouble? Tell me of the situation on the battlefield. I came this far so i could get a more d-detailed account of what’s going on... but I’ve been too busy to even ask around.”

“Dont try to change the subject! I dont know how you managed to join the party undercover, but I cant turned a blind eye now that I’ve seen you here. You really have put me in a difficult position!”

“Is there a problem?”

Maxi stiffened. One of the soldiers who had been moving the horses was looking at them curiously.
Maxi quickly lowered her head. She could almost feel Ruth hesitating. It seemed that this darn sorcerer was going to reveal who she was.

She squeezed her eyes shut and clasped her hands together. Moments later, she heard the lick of a tongue and Ruth’s grouchy voice saying, “No, everything is fine.”

Maxi sighed in relief, but the feeling was fleeting.
Ruth trudged out of the water and glared at her. “Which tent are you staying in?”

Th-the one at the east end.”

“I see. I will come to you later when i get the chance.”
“Th-that won’t do. Someone might find it sus-“
“We’ll just have to come up with a suitable excuse,” he shot back. He sighed and added, “i cant remain here for long. I have important matters to discuss with the men. I’ll come find you in an hour or two.”

Without waiting a reply, Ruth crossed the gravel path and climbed up the hill. Maxi sullenly watched his receding figure before returning to the infirmary tent. Idsilla, who had been anxiously waiting for her, ran over and asked if she had earned anything.

“I-I will... tell you everything later.”
