for some reason its grown popular and normal to do that. mangago users loveeee reading and complaining about series that have themes they dont like in them from chapter 1 but are still there complaining when nothing has changed 40 chapters in.
lts fair and valid to have themes/ect u dont like and want to read, but then u need to stop reading series they're explicitly in, especially when its that series entire identity! nobody feels bad for u at that point

Agreed! If I start a manga/manhwa and a theme I REALLY don’t like is in it, I just drop it. Like, everyone can like what they like. I’m not going to complain about it, just leave. The only valid complaints are if the story is, like, actually bad or poorly paced, but a theme like age gap is so mundane that if someone doesn’t like it they should just drop it without a word!!

haha so true. Though personally, i dont also like this trope wherein person A is minor and the other is a whole ass adult. Even in fiction, it is not my thing. But I dont judge ppl who read or enjoy this trope bc at the end of the day theyre fictional characters, theyre not real and theyre not us. Just hope ppl who hate this trope would learn how to use the back button and close the tab instead of complaining or judging readers like party pooper

I think they just want to complain to complain. When I encounter I troupe I don’t like I just leave and don’t say a thing. Everyone is entitled to like what they want, and I’m entitled to the ability to ignore it. No need to call out what someone else likes, especially over a work of fiction that isn’t hurting anyone.

This idea that when you find something you dislike or hate, you should just drop it silently and let other people enjoy it. Don't say a word! This idea is so hypocritical. Especially when you have something to say about those people's complaints. You see, if you couldn't keep your mouth shut about other people's dislikes, then how do you expect them to keep their mouths shut about their dislikes? You get it? Don't say a word? But you made a whole post to talk about it? I guess everyone is entitled to like what they want, ignore what they want, but they're not entitled to dislike what they. The world must work differently for you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Did you even read the post? OP clearly states that even if they dont like something they will continue to read it. Till the end. And continue to complain about. Calling out bs for bs isnt wrong. What is annoying though is that said person who hates that manga/hwa/hua continuing to read it and complain about it.

(Mc is teacher, ml is 18yr old student):

Exhibit A: "but a theme like age gap is so mundane that if someone doesn’t like it they should just drop it without a word!!"
Exhibit B. "Everyone is entitled to like what they want, and I’m entitled to the ability to ignore it. No need to call out what someone else likes, especially over a work of fiction that isn’t hurting anyone."
To summarize for you:
Without a word!
Everyone is entitled....but no need to call out....
Op thinks everyone (including themself) should be entitled and yet in the same sentence says no need to call out? Do you not understand it when you say everyone is entitled? It means everyone, not just you and the select few you believe can say what they want. It's EVERYONE including people you disagree with. Hypocrite.
I’ve seen a LOT of different opinions about this specific troupe, where the MC will be in high school (either a junior or senior) and the ML will be a working adult. Now, I understand not liking age gaps, especially with possible? minors (I believe seniors in JP high school at 18 or 19) but a lot of the people who dislike these troupes or complain about them end up reading the manga till the end anyways Like, I’m talking mangas that introduce the age gap first chapter and they stick around till the end anyways