I WOULD DIE FOR HIM AAAAAAA please he is so freaking cute. I think he's rough around the edges and all that but inside he's an abandoned puppy that wants a family of his own. He is obviously very clingy and affectionate but gets judged cause of his looks and personality. He has no filter, no sense of boundaries, his social skills are a bit lacking. But I can tell he's a good person :( otherwise the kids wouldn't like him the way they do. I don't think he is a bad guy.
I WOULD DIE FOR HIM AAAAAAA please he is so freaking cute. I think he's rough around the edges and all that but inside he's an abandoned puppy that wants a family of his own. He is obviously very clingy and affectionate but gets judged cause of his looks and personality. He has no filter, no sense of boundaries, his social skills are a bit lacking. But I can tell he's a good person :( otherwise the kids wouldn't like him the way they do. I don't think he is a bad guy.