Can't believe only Seth knows about Chase and Josh like look at how Josh lo...
That was quick ( ̄∇ ̄")
165 cm?? Im taller than him?? And how the hell one does think that he is an...
This cliffhanger won't kill me (I CAN'T WAIT BRUUH, BTW GET WELL SOON AUTHO...
Cause no chase doesnt remember that its josh just yet
If anything hes confused cause they smell similar
He realizes it him later on ( like wayyyyyyy later on type shi )
I will say tho next ch
Grab yall pearls and popcorn cause its gonna be hot ( no they dont snu snu butttttt) and then everything takes off from there like literally ( its a turning point for their relationship)
Oh, ALSO GUYS please remember that brown haired biatch shes plays a part in the future chs smh