I swear you people never fail to bring out the “you think you’re better than me” sentence and it’s so ridiculous cause no one said that. Idk if you didn’t fully understand what I said but I’ll say it again for you…slowly. I do not care…if you like…this shit….i care…what I think…and…I’m…going to keep saying it…no matter if you keep…crying…about…it. Keep finding whatever I say annoying cause guess what I don’t care. If you want me to stop, stop me.

@Nana the only thing abusive here is this story. yes i know ur fucking weird for romanticizing abuse + rape, even if its fictional, just to water it down to toxic bl. i can differentiate what can affect reality and what cant, doesn't mean ur not weird for being a rape apologist, even if its fictional. okay armchair psychologist

u dumb asf never once did I say anything in defense of JK??? Cant even read my comments properly.
I said if you dont like the story piss off bc yall not give any constructive critique and just hate, once again you prove my point that you cant understand what anyone for that matter writes.
or you're delusional asf and creating scenarios bc where did I defend this dude, I even said he's evil and whatnot in all of my other comments.

if your take-away from the story is "the author wants us to sympathize with the abuser" you are dumber than I thought, cause never once were we lead to sympathize with him just because we see him struggle. You cannot cope with your own feelings of empathy and feel guilty for feeling empathy when that was the emotion the story evoked from you, and it doesnt align with what your brain wants to feel when reading his suffering.
I personally found it enjoyable to see JK suffer and never once was I feeling like this was romantiziced.
You clearly are not mentally equipped enough to read dark stories such as this and Id suggest you either go and find something more suitable for your age range as you seem too young to be on here, or find release through therapy if you cannot differentiate reality from fiction.
Jesus christ

Once again, I agree with you on this so much!
There are so many stories out there I personally started reading, enjoyed at first and later found myself disliking it, disappointed etc.
There are also plenty of story writings I would critique or mentioned that "this doesnt make much sense" etc - only to then later proven wrong because the gaps were filled in other chapters due to suspense, but what I would never do is just say "this fucking sucks" even less so insult others who do like said story I found to dislike as this is always a very subjective matter anyways.
I really also just dislike this puritan aspect of fandoms nowadays where people constantly feel the need to 'defend themselves' by saying stuff such as "oh I dont condone any of the evil characters actions though!" like yeah duh, I sure hope you dont translate that into real life? We are so hell-bent on consuming fiction 'the right way' and its just sooo performative. I can assure you half of the people who hate comment but keep reading deep down actually enjoy the story, and are just too afraid to openly admit to that so they try to take the moral high ground instead to show that they do read the story but of course hate it because they would never ever condone abuse irl!
Like... its so tiring. And of course while I personally love Jinx, I can admit that the writing is not perfect in all aspects? I also read BJ alex, and both Jinx and BJ alex made me feel joy, pain, anguish, frustration and excitement, its therefore to me a good story cause it made me feel emotions I usually dont have when reading 80% of the other yaoi stories out there who truly do lack plot (which ofc is also not necessarily a bad thing as each story out there has a different purpose, and many authors have a different level of writing experience etc)
Someone said the story is "shit because we dont know anything abt the characters other than Dan being poor and JK being an asshole" which??? Damn. Like did we read the same story? There's SO much I could say About Dan, we got his entire backstory, his motivation, we dealt with his pride and humiliation, with his feelings of love and abandonment, with his self destructive behaviour with his shame, there is SO much I could write about Dan and while we did not go AS in-depth with JK yet, there's still also so much to say about him, about his pride and insecurities, how he masks and lashes out because of it, how he puts on a front and has narcissistic tendencies and all that I COULD GO ON but you get the gist, there's so much to say about these characters already more than just "dan is poor and JK is an asshole" - it feels like these ppl read Jinx with their eyes closed or with their hands in their pants lmao
I also noticed the same with people who use AI for everything omg.. Cant think for themselves, have to rely on "tell not show" to get the point of a character, dont want any characters to have flaws because "flaws bad! what if flaws make ppl bad!!!" and quite frankly if you rely on media to tell you whats right and wrong, we're lost as a society cause what do you mean you have to be told explicitly that "this is bad" without being able to contextualize it out of the story, what do you mean you think everyone who likes seeing bad things portrayed in media is evil?!
The ONLY place I think we SHOULD be seeing and confronting dark things as such IS in fictional media because thats the ONLY place where it cannot possibly hurt real people.
Yes fiction can influence people, but if you are influenced by fiction to do bad things such as the bad person in the story, you have already been a bad person beforehand. Quite frankly.
I agree, I want to see JK grovel and suffer, and we're getting there, I love to see the cogs in his brain turn after the last chapter with Dan being so cold to him <3 Cant wait to see where this is going, and since I really enjoyed BJ alex I do trust the author to tell THEIR story, and only time will tell if I'll be satisfied with the ending, but for now I am satisfied with where we are in the journey and cant wait to see more.

Dude for real, I fear most of the ppl commenting this bs are minors who should go back to club penguin or some shit cause its SO frustrating to constantly read the same dumb hate comments that dont add anything to a discussion, just pure blatant hate.
I will never understand how ppl who supposedly hate a story, continue to read it, like do smth else with your time you actually enjoy?
My guess is its ppl who actually enjoy the story as well but have to put on a front for social media, pretending they dont actually like it to be morally correct and "Better than others who consume the same media" bc they "consume it the correct pure way" kinda bs lmao
deadass said "we know nothing abt the characters other than dan being poor" like HELLP? what have you been reading this whole time??? with your eyes closed or with your hands in your pants cause what the fuck kinda take is that?
but yeah got so tired of these dumb comments
Im so tired of seeing hate comments under this, we get it u dont like toxic BL.
Then DONT read it??? There is so much fluff or otherwise non-toxic angst plots out there with amazing art style.
Do something better with your free will and enjoy life, why yall gotta waste everyone's time your own time included, by reading smth you hate? I'll never understand this braindead behaviour.
You all think you're so funny and cool for hating or saying "this FICTIONAL character is sO toXic!" yeah duh.
read the tags. are you all 14 years old or smth???? jfc