Just leave omg

M0E53 March 4, 2025 2:13 am

Im so tired of seeing hate comments under this, we get it u dont like toxic BL.
Then DONT read it??? There is so much fluff or otherwise non-toxic angst plots out there with amazing art style.

Do something better with your free will and enjoy life, why yall gotta waste everyone's time your own time included, by reading smth you hate? I'll never understand this braindead behaviour.

You all think you're so funny and cool for hating or saying "this FICTIONAL character is sO toXic!" yeah duh.

read the tags. are you all 14 years old or smth???? jfc

    blunt in booty March 4, 2025 2:21 am


    Nana March 4, 2025 2:38 am

    Agree with everything you say. There's nothing inherently wrong with reading this story and enjoying it in some or other way, as long as we all understand it's fiction and ofc doesn't represent something we would condone irl. Like OFC.

    And to add to that, people can discuss and analyze how jk is toxic and all his terrible behaviours (whether it's in the fictional setting or with real life standards), they can say the find the story too triggering for them, they can argue that it's boring or is poorly written. Being negative in these ways is all fine, just don't do it directly to the author unless it's done respectfully, considerately and it's about the canon events and they're not just compiling some all-encompassing problematic traits that the story isn't even about. Idk how some of them forget it but authors are people too, even constructive feedback has rules abt how it should be communicated.

    What any of us DON'T get to do is dictate what others can or can't read and how we internally process it, when it's literally not harming anyone!

    ManwhaNerd March 4, 2025 3:01 am

    I understand where the hate is coming from honestly. Like, as someone whose been reading this outta sheer curiosity this goes beyond just toxic. It's just straightup abusive (and possessive). Like instead of responding to hate with backlash just accept that people have a valid reason to hate and move on.

    LOLZ March 4, 2025 3:01 am

    Maybe take your own advice, if you hate reading those type of comments so much don’t read them. No matter how much you don’t want to see those comments they’re going to be there. Each chapter you read there’s ALWAYS going to be someone expressing their dislike of jaekyung, the story, and his actions. Just like you everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If people choose to hate reading shit, that’s their prerogative no matter how much you don’t understand why they would choose to do it.

    wannabehimbo March 4, 2025 3:06 am

    or stop dickriding rapists in yaoi

    LOLZ March 4, 2025 3:09 am
    I understand where the hate is coming from honestly. Like, as someone whose been reading this outta sheer curiosity this goes beyond just toxic. It's just straightup abusive (and possessive). Like instead of r... ManwhaNerd

    No cause literally. Jaekyung was not made to be a likable character, I don’t know why ppl are surprised he’s super hated along with the story…it’s not a mystery. Plus it’s like that phenomenon where people just can’t look away from a train wreck no matter how much they believe it’s disturbing or bad.

    Nana March 4, 2025 3:14 am
    Maybe take your own advice, if you hate reading those type of comments so much don’t read them. No matter how much you don’t want to see those comments they’re going to be there. Each chapter you read the... LOLZ

    You: Literally ridicule the people who enjoy reading the story (just re-read your comments, go on).
    Also you: Why are you overreacting, I'm just commenting about how I dislike the story, no offense to anyone.
    Being mean to others isn't the same as expressing your dislike. I'm guessing that doesn't really matter to you though, you're overcompensating for some insecurity or unmet need in your life.

    ManwhaNerd March 4, 2025 3:17 am
    No cause literally. Jaekyung was not made to be a likable character, I don’t know why ppl are surprised he’s super hated along with the story…it’s not a mystery. Plus it’s like that phenomenon where p... LOLZ

    HEAVY on this. Genuinely nothing I can say because you encapsulated my thoughts so perfectly.

    M0E53 March 4, 2025 3:10 pm

    I fear so many of you lack media literacy.

    I am not "dickriding a rapist" or ever even said I like JK ???
    Yes he is made to be unlikable, the story is written to be toxic and abusive.

    I never said you cant criticize the character but yall post shit like "this story SUCKS!!!" and its just not true, it is well written, you just hate reading stories with evil villains.

    "if you hate it dont comment on -" shut up you dont get to turn this shit around when you go around hate and be on a moral high ground for hating the whole story, pretending you're so much better bc you dont like fictional evil characters, you're embarrassing

    Critiquing a character whos evil and not condoning his actions =/= shitting on the author and story or the ppl who do enjoy the story lmfao actual braindead.

    LOLZ March 4, 2025 3:40 pm
    I fear so many of you lack media literacy. I am not "dickriding a rapist" or ever even said I like JK ??? Yes he is made to be unlikable, the story is written to be toxic and abusive. I never said you cant crit... M0E53

    Surprised surprise the story also sucks!! And I can also say that how much I want. You’re right you’re not dick riding jaekyung you’re dick riding the author! Well written is certainly…a way to describe a story with an overdone concept no originality with character design and remade bj Alex slop. that’s your opinion and I don’t care what you think I care about what I think. And I still think it’s shit what now?

    wannabehimbo March 4, 2025 4:28 pm
    I fear so many of you lack media literacy. I am not "dickriding a rapist" or ever even said I like JK ??? Yes he is made to be unlikable, the story is written to be toxic and abusive. I never said you cant crit... M0E53

    "it is well written" bitch we havent learned anything abt the characters other than kim dan was poor and still is, and jk is an ass. romanticizing abuse and rape doesnt make it well written. ill shit on both the characters and author

    M0E53 March 4, 2025 4:35 pm
    Surprised surprise the story also sucks!! And I can also say that how much I want. You’re right you’re not dick riding jaekyung you’re dick riding the author! Well written is certainly…a way to describe... LOLZ

    Leave if you think its written like shit? Thats my whole ass point omg you're so annoying.

    "Im so much better than you all for reading the same story but hating on it instead of just not reading what I hate! You are at fault for enjoying a story with abuse but not me! I am just reading to hate on it because I'm morally so much better than you all ^^ !" thats how you sound like stfu

    M0E53 March 4, 2025 4:35 pm
    "it is well written" bitch we havent learned anything abt the characters other than kim dan was poor and still is, and jk is an ass. romanticizing abuse and rape doesnt make it well written. ill shit on both th... wannabehimbo

    you prove my point that you lack media literacy if thats all you got from the story so far lmao

    again just piss off if you hate it???

    M0E53 March 4, 2025 4:37 pm

    You're all free to dislike a story.

    You are also free to critique a story.

    But if all you guys say "omg this chara whos meant to be an ass is an asshole and i hate him so much and the story is written like SHIT" thats not constructive critique and you're annoying if you constantly say the same shit under each new chapter.

    You dont know that opinion=/= critique

    M0E53 March 4, 2025 4:41 pm
    Agree with everything you say. There's nothing inherently wrong with reading this story and enjoying it in some or other way, as long as we all understand it's fiction and ofc doesn't represent something we wou... Nana

    Thank you !! You're the only one who gets it man.

    I WISH I would see comments of ppl analyzing the characters and their dynamic etc, all I read in the comments every other update is however, how everyone "hates the story, its shit and jk is an asshole" like duh yes he is. But if they dont like the story then why are they still here omg. Dont even say why or where its badly written and dismiss anything like the environmental storytelling that is presented in the chapters, or misinterpret facial expressions, then say the characters are flat or you "didnt learn anything" about the characters like WHAT...

    We learned SO MUCH about both of them, why they are the way they are, I could write a whole essay on both behaviours, and the story made me feel all sorts of emotions, which is a GOOD thing even if the emotions are sadness or anguish, because I feel empathy for Dan etc.

    Theres so much more but you get the point, thank you again

    wannabehimbo March 4, 2025 5:17 pm
    you prove my point that you lack media literacy if thats all you got from the story so far lmao again just piss off if you hate it??? M0E53

    YOU lack media literacy if you actually think its good writing, trying to guilt trip readers into sympathizing with the ml abuser is pathetic. if we're free to critique the story and dislike it, dont be surprised people leave hate comments about it.

    Nana March 4, 2025 6:54 pm
    YOU lack media literacy if you actually think its good writing, trying to guilt trip readers into sympathizing with the ml abuser is pathetic. if we're free to critique the story and dislike it, dont be surpris... wannabehimbo

    What are you on about? Nobody said you have to sympathize with a character or even LIKE this story. What most of us are saying is: STOP JUST TRASHING THE AUTHOR AND THE READERS WHO ENJOY READING THE STORY. You can express your dislike about the characters or the story by why the hell are you making it personal toward others just because it's something YOU don't like?
    Do you really not know how to read?

    wannabehimbo March 4, 2025 7:30 pm
    What are you on about? Nobody said you have to sympathize with a character or even LIKE this story. What most of us are saying is: STOP JUST TRASHING THE AUTHOR AND THE READERS WHO ENJOY READING THE STORY. You ... Nana

    im not making it personal lmfao. im saying its not good writing like they think it is and the author is guilt triping the readers into sympathizing with the abuser. I will trash on the author because she obviously romanticizes abuse. im not trashing on the people who enjoy READING the story, im trashing on the people who think its good writing and not about rape and abuse. stop watering down abusive relationships in yaoi to toxic yaoi, its fucking annoying and its real shit people go through.

    Nana March 4, 2025 7:39 pm
    Thank you !! You're the only one who gets it man. I WISH I would see comments of ppl analyzing the characters and their dynamic etc, all I read in the comments every other update is however, how everyone "hates... M0E53

    As personally annoying I find to read the same people repeating "I hate jk and this story" comments without any further elaboration to at least make them somewhat interesting, not everyone has to be eloquent about an opinion or expressing their feelings so that's that, none of my business (unless one wants to start an honest convo with them).

    What is NOT ok is what alot of these people are doing: being deliberately, extremely rude and offensive towards anyone who likes this story. To them it's "the author sucks, stop writing" and "ppl who have anything positive to say are dickriders, dumb, abusers themselves" etc, especially by the crowd who somehow have been led to believe that fiction=reality. I've even seen an artist (not small one, mind you) trash the author DIRECTLY (not the story, the author personally) because they don't like the way an abusive character is portrayed, on the basis that it's a successful webtoon and so they're deserving of "criticism". As if 1) a successful webtoon author is a millionaire far removed from the grind and not a person anymore 2) insulting someone is the same as criticizing their work.

    It's frustrating that while many of us have pointed it out to them, they still seem to refuse to acknowledge that, even when the evidence is in their own writing. "I find the story has gaps and isn't written that well" vs "The author is toxic and the readers are stupid" don't they see a glaring difference between the two? Freedom of speech doesn't mean that we should spew whatever hateful opinion we have or perpetuate false ideas as truth. A simple way to differentiate between sharing opinions and forcing them onto others as gospel is to look for the intention behind it. One side wants to discuss and look for like-minded ppl or different perspectives to expand their views, while respecting everyone involved even if they have different thoughts in the end. The other side constantly tries to provoke and humiliate anyone who doesn't subscribe to their beliefs.

    And one last thing I've noticed is that MANY of those in the latter category make extensive use of generative AI in their personal and professional lives, which directly infringes of original creators' rights and instead of being quiet about it, they boast. They can't even create anything through their own hard work but they are loud about trashing others while utilizing technology that was built on stealing from those they insult.

    In any case, while it's not personally a favourite story, it has at least given me plenty to consider and dissect and I appreciate it for that. Like you say there are alot of emotions to process, many of them cause me discomfort and it's interesting to analyze why that is. If it was up to me I would give JK a redemption arc that would span like 10 years, but away from Dan. xD But hey, I'll work with what we have here.
    And I want to thank you for sharing your thoughts, it is refreshing to read from people who aren't just out for each other's throats and have intriguing things to say.

    Nana March 4, 2025 7:43 pm
    im not making it personal lmfao. im saying its not good writing like they think it is and the author is guilt triping the readers into sympathizing with the abuser. I will trash on the author because she obviou... wannabehimbo

    I suggest you speak to a professional and have these discussions with them, becuase it seems you can't differentiate between what's can affect reality and what cannot. It'd be very helpful to explore why you think this way and if something's worth reconsidering so you can better protect yourself and stop being abusive to others (because that's what you're doing with these remarks).