Agree with everything you say. There's nothing inherently wrong with reading this story and enjoying it in some or other way, as long as we all understand it's fiction and ofc doesn't represent something we would condone irl. Like OFC.
And to add to that, people can discuss and analyze how jk is toxic and all his terrible behaviours (whether it's in the fictional setting or with real life standards), they can say the find the story too triggering for them, they can argue that it's boring or is poorly written. Being negative in these ways is all fine, just don't do it directly to the author unless it's done respectfully, considerately and it's about the canon events and they're not just compiling some all-encompassing problematic traits that the story isn't even about. Idk how some of them forget it but authors are people too, even constructive feedback has rules abt how it should be communicated.
What any of us DON'T get to do is dictate what others can or can't read and how we internally process it, when it's literally not harming anyone!

I understand where the hate is coming from honestly. Like, as someone whose been reading this outta sheer curiosity this goes beyond just toxic. It's just straightup abusive (and possessive). Like instead of responding to hate with backlash just accept that people have a valid reason to hate and move on.

Maybe take your own advice, if you hate reading those type of comments so much don’t read them. No matter how much you don’t want to see those comments they’re going to be there. Each chapter you read there’s ALWAYS going to be someone expressing their dislike of jaekyung, the story, and his actions. Just like you everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If people choose to hate reading shit, that’s their prerogative no matter how much you don’t understand why they would choose to do it.

No cause literally. Jaekyung was not made to be a likable character, I don’t know why ppl are surprised he’s super hated along with the story…it’s not a mystery. Plus it’s like that phenomenon where people just can’t look away from a train wreck no matter how much they believe it’s disturbing or bad.

You: Literally ridicule the people who enjoy reading the story (just re-read your comments, go on).
Also you: Why are you overreacting, I'm just commenting about how I dislike the story, no offense to anyone.
Being mean to others isn't the same as expressing your dislike. I'm guessing that doesn't really matter to you though, you're overcompensating for some insecurity or unmet need in your life.
Im so tired of seeing hate comments under this, we get it u dont like toxic BL.
Then DONT read it??? There is so much fluff or otherwise non-toxic angst plots out there with amazing art style.
Do something better with your free will and enjoy life, why yall gotta waste everyone's time your own time included, by reading smth you hate? I'll never understand this braindead behaviour.
You all think you're so funny and cool for hating or saying "this FICTIONAL character is sO toXic!" yeah duh.
read the tags. are you all 14 years old or smth???? jfc