Spoiler pls. Did ML ever hurt MC physically? Like slap or punch him?

MyKeiichiMaya March 3, 2025 9:40 pm

Spoiler pls. Did ML ever hurt MC physically? Like slap or punch him?

    Casein Nitr8 March 3, 2025 10:45 pm

    Nope! The biggest surprise throughout the whole thing to me was the enormous green flag

    YOI LOVER ❣❣ March 3, 2025 11:57 pm
    Nope! The biggest surprise throughout the whole thing to me was the enormous green flag Casein Nitr8

    Ate you fr!? Because others were saying different... smhh

    Casein Nitr8 March 4, 2025 12:16 am
    Ate you fr!? Because others were saying different... smhh YOI LOVER ❣❣

    Yeah, the ml kinda has a crazy vibe but has never shown any intention to hurt the mc—or hurt really anyone unless they make the first move, then in which case he’ll fight back. He’s kinda quiet, but still strong and confident so no one messes with him.

    But I think the others are talking about the mc’s first crush, who’s the class bully and regularly beats ppl up, incl the person he likes when he doesn’t know how to handle his feelings.

    The ml is portrayed in many ways as the opposite of this, and (so far) has never hurt the mc and acts super cute w him.

    Casein Nitr8 March 4, 2025 12:23 am
    Ate you fr!? Because others were saying different... smhh YOI LOVER ❣❣

    If u want to get into a little more detail, the mc is a hugely unreliable narrator so the way the story is framed lets us see things only through his eyes. Like I mentioned he liked the bully (not the ml btw), so anyone who’s in the way of the relationship he wants is going to seem like the enemy. Mc even starts off by saying he has two ppl who he hates the most in the world— but they’re both completely innocent

    YOI LOVER ❣❣ March 4, 2025 12:24 am
    Yeah, the ml kinda has a crazy vibe but has never shown any intention to hurt the mc—or hurt really anyone unless they make the first move, then in which case he’ll fight back. He’s kinda quiet, but still... Casein Nitr8

    Thanks for this! Because I'm rooting for them.

    Casein Nitr8 March 4, 2025 12:28 am
    Thanks for this! Because I'm rooting for them. YOI LOVER ❣❣

    Me too! It’s so rare to not have the mc be some bleeding-heart saint, so I’m excited to see where this goes

    ga!aco March 4, 2025 2:07 am

    he does, he breaks juns arm when they fight for the first time

    ga!aco March 4, 2025 2:12 am
    he does, he breaks juns arm when they fight for the first time ga!aco

    but being fair jun gets his revenge later, and its like the only time yohan hurts him physically