I guess it kind varies on the guide verse but it could just be boiled down to physical strain. Using your powers, particularly powerful powers, fcuks with the nervous system of the espers body. If im getting real sciencey with my fictional smut, theres the cerebrum of the brain at the top of the spine that controls heart rate, blood flow.. day to day regulation that keep you literally alive. I theorize over use/massive use of your physic powers fuck with this part of the brain and disrupts bodily regulation... Nervous system signals to the heart and brain..
The guide kinda guides the overly excited or rampant energy in the espers body so it stops reeking havoc on bodily regulation. Just my guesses on the guideverse tho
I'm somewhat confused but this is so good. Any soul who can, please explain how the penalty works? My brain is unable to decipher what it meant.
Also is it just me? I thought I messed up chapters when I was reading. Around chapter 9-13. The flashbacks and changing pov had me thinking for a while. The sudden jump messed my brain a bit.......
But.... The hair on that red dude is amazing..... Hair on kahim is delish.... I'm so in love