How long did I need to bear with this human trash behavior huh? When does the recycling schedule start pls ヽ(`Д´)ノ I need DAN to be happy ASAP!!! I can't imagine how's he gonna be broken more if his grandma die ╥﹏╥ At least don't add those trash problems on Dan hardest time, show some restraints please (/TДT)/ I feel my life's problems it's meaningless compares to him at this point ╥﹏╥
How long did I need to bear with this human trash behavior huh? When does the recycling schedule start pls ヽ(`Д´)ノ
I need DAN to be happy ASAP!!! I can't imagine how's he gonna be broken more if his grandma die ╥﹏╥
At least don't add those trash problems on Dan hardest time, show some restraints please (/TДT)/
I feel my life's problems it's meaningless compares to him at this point ╥﹏╥