Okay let’s ignore everything else atm coz we are all reading this knowing fully well how bad it is, what I wanna know is who tf drew those god awful ears
If you’re referring to Jae, it’s called Cauliflower ears. It’s what happens to fighters! It’s usually a built up of blood and fluid. They drain them out often since it can get painful but after too many whacks to the head that’s what happens !
If you’re referring to Jae, it’s called Cauliflower ears. It’s what happens to fighters! It’s usually a built up of blood and fluid. They drain them out often since it can get painful but after too many... MaariJaan
I never knew that, we learn new things everyday. Thanx
Okay let’s ignore everything else atm coz we are all reading this knowing fully well how bad it is, what I wanna know is who tf drew those god awful ears