Oversimplification but

Froggy March 3, 2025 8:49 pm

Imagine if the evil step mother found out about plastic surgery,,,,all that just cause she wants lee nok's face bruh

    なんでもない~ March 3, 2025 11:58 pm

    Actually she wants him dead or removed from crown prince position so her child can be crowned

    Froggy March 4, 2025 12:14 am
    Actually she wants him dead or removed from crown prince position so her child can be crowned なんでもない~

    Not at all, she makes it very clear she doesn't care about any position. If you actually kept up with reading, you would know all of this started with her obsession with lee nok's mother's face which she never got over with, and now with lee nok's face who looks exactly like her.

    Vae March 4, 2025 6:59 pm
    Actually she wants him dead or removed from crown prince position so her child can be crowned なんでもない~

    She has clearly said it's not her intention. And that she doesn't care about the position of her son at all.

    Vae March 4, 2025 7:01 pm

    How about her wanting to take his body for herself? I mean to occupy it? Or plant another ghost in it?

    pennyinheaven March 5, 2025 2:43 am
    Actually she wants him dead or removed from crown prince position so her child can be crowned なんでもない~

    Actually she doesn't care about her son anymore.

    Froggy March 5, 2025 3:23 am
    How about her wanting to take his body for herself? I mean to occupy it? Or plant another ghost in it? Vae

    I remember reading that she wants to use lee nok as a vessel for her, don't remember the exact words though