Even I don't like Lyn. Her attitude is just weird to me.

Rhaenys___ March 3, 2025 1:24 pm

Even I don't like Lyn. Her attitude is just weird to me.

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon March 3, 2025 3:52 pm

    Finally I found someone who feels the same. She gives me I don't have all the attention on me so now I'm gonna turn villain.

    Rhaenys___ March 3, 2025 5:38 pm
    Finally I found someone who feels the same. She gives me I don't have all the attention on me so now I'm gonna turn villain. Kawaiineko❤namjoon

    No FR though
    She has this weird victim mentally going on.

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon March 3, 2025 6:37 pm
    No FR though She has this weird victim mentally going on. Rhaenys___

    I confused as to why the previous comments are criticising the empress for not doing anything about the other consorts. Like so, she doesn't have to, but that's what's going to make her a villain and people are blaming the empress. Like be for real, lyns maid was terrible to the empress, yet the empress was still kind to lyn, I get it it was the maid and now lyn but like l lyn was still upset and almost blaming the empress internally for the maids outcome. So no I won't feel sorry for Lyn just because other consorts are also feeling the victim mentality she has going on.

    Nana March 3, 2025 8:24 pm

    I don't get her method of thinking. Previously she was in such a privileged position where the emperor preferred her over the empress but we now know it's probably some kind of mommy issue or whatever. But not all means romantic, and on top of that she admits it too. So now that the attention is not on her she looses her marbles? Like be for real for a moment no matter how the emperor preferred you the empress is more important also again she said with her own mouth that it's not romantic so holding the emperor back is lowkey selfish asf but still blames the empress? It's giving either 'i didn't know i actually had a one sided crush' or 'I'm just mad I'm not getting enough attention as usual'

    Nana March 3, 2025 8:24 pm

    I don't get her method of thinking. Previously she was in such a privileged position where the emperor preferred her over the empress but we now know it's probably some kind of mommy issue or whatever. But not all means romantic, and on top of that she admits it too. So now that the attention is not on her she loses her marbles? Like be for real for a moment no matter how the emperor preferred you the empress is more important also again she said with her own mouth that it's not romantic so holding the emperor back is lowkey selfish asf but still blames the empress? It's giving either 'i didn't know i actually had a one sided crush' or 'I'm just mad I'm not getting enough attention as usual'

    Kawaiineko❤namjoon March 3, 2025 9:50 pm
    I don't get her method of thinking. Previously she was in such a privileged position where the emperor preferred her over the empress but we now know it's probably some kind of mommy issue or whatever. But not ... Nana

    Thiiiis, like I remember commenting this way back. The empress is of more Importance in status and clearly now emotionally. She's can do what she wants. So what if she's not giving you as much attention. NGL empress wants to stay clear of misunderstandings and future problems. Like she already encountered problems the first time around when she was friendly with her through her maid, since then she wanted some distance. Is that so bad. The comments want the empress to communicate and explain why she's keeping a distance but she doesn't have to. It should be clear that after such a big incident with lyns maid she doesn't want to complicate things even more by being overly friendly.

    Nana March 3, 2025 9:58 pm
    Thiiiis, like I remember commenting this way back. The empress is of more Importance in status and clearly now emotionally. She's can do what she wants. So what if she's not giving you as much attention. NGL em... Kawaiineko❤namjoon

    Yeaah. (btw idk how mangago managed to post it twice lol) The empress doesn't owe anyone an explanation especially to someone at lower rank. Ppl were upset bc it felt like the empress used lyn to get close to the emperor but even if that was true she basically has the right. Yes it's not nice but lyn herself said that they're not romantic w the emperor giving the empress the okay. It was natural that they'd hook up bc they're literally a married couple. So now her being upset bout an obvious thing that well to say she enabled is hilarious imo

    Rhaenys___ March 3, 2025 10:53 pm

    I'm assuming we all agree on the fact that Lyn is a little immature in her way of thinking. She low-key wants all the attention but won't admit it.