So lemme guess. The Ml actually knows him and he's actually a stalker or a fan but he's acting like he doesn't know him to get close to him then the Mc is gonna find out be all hurt . And then comes the " it's true at first i approached you beacuse i was a fan but now i know the real u and i love it more " type of plot ? I hope not lol plz this already looks so promising and good art.
That's actually a good plot, I hope it's not the case tho, but either ways it's still good Jctrippin
It is when you haven't read like 100 story with the same plot like every famous plus guy who doesn't know him starting plot ends up going this way. I just need a real one where the guy actually doesn't know him
he is not a stalker but he is a big fan of his work - when he approached him with the cats he did not know it was him at all, only after being in the elevator together his brain registered it was actually him. the story is quite short with only 9 chapters but it was really wholesome tbh
he is not a stalker but he is a big fan of his work - when he approached him with the cats he did not know it was him at all, only after being in the elevator together his brain registered it was actually him. ... cherrybloom
I knew it it always goes like this but at least he's not an obsessed fan
I knew it it always goes like this but at least he's not an obsessed fan ghitabn
i knoooow lol i hate when they act creepy and crazy towards the celebrity in this ml’s defense he just didn’t know how to bring it up after realizing it was him and didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but he did end up telling him and being honest about everything
So lemme guess. The Ml actually knows him and he's actually a stalker or a fan but he's acting like he doesn't know him to get close to him then the Mc is gonna find out be all hurt . And then comes the " it's true at first i approached you beacuse i was a fan but now i know the real u and i love it more " type of plot ? I hope not lol plz this already looks so promising and good art.