WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU TWO!! THE AUDACITY TO LAY HANDS ON OUR PERVY GARAM AND GIVE HIM BRUISES!!! You couldn't hit your own goddamn son so you hit someone else's?? Fuck that! I will murder that bitch. And that stupid Sehan! If you didn't have it in you to come out to your religious ass mom then you shouldn't have brought Garam to your fuckass house!! Godddd I fucking hate closeted bitches that date on the DL. I know it's hard to come out, specially with religious trauma and strict and homophobic parents. But if you got the guts to fuck a man, then you should have the guts to stand by it!
WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU TWO!! THE AUDACITY TO LAY HANDS ON OUR PERVY GARAM AND GIVE HIM BRUISES!!! You couldn't hit your own goddamn son so you hit someone else's?? Fuck that! I will murder that bitch. And that stupid Sehan! If you didn't have it in you to come out to your religious ass mom then you shouldn't have brought Garam to your fuckass house!! Godddd I fucking hate closeted bitches that date on the DL. I know it's hard to come out, specially with religious trauma and strict and homophobic parents. But if you got the guts to fuck a man, then you should have the guts to stand by it!