My thoughts now that I've caught up after binging all day

Mael March 3, 2025 6:33 am

Okay so first of all. INCREDIBLE STORY. Oh my god? Yes the prince being the ML (I assume) was cliche. Many scenes were. But it was done in an incredibly attention grappling, breathtaking, tense and dark comedic manner. It's like any other transmigration story but it has its own unique twist. It really makes you tense, you think she's going to die at any moment and you feel what she feels. You desperately want her to live too!! I almost cried when the prince was on the bed begging her not to die and holding her hand.

Character Review:

The Duke : I hated him at first. Absolutely a horrible person. But the more I got to know him... He wasn't directly involved in Penelope's abuse. He was enabling yes he let his sons and the servants treat her worse than a bug. But he didn't directly abuse her and that's relevant TO ME personally at least. He really started repenting properly. To the point our MC started thinking of him as the father figure she and Penelope never had. It was heartbreaking AND heartwarming. That she healed that little bit of trauma even if it was only a tiny bit before she decided to just kill herself after the normal route started.

The Maid Emily : She was the first character I opened my heart up to NGL. I forgave her fast. The medieval commoner life had to be one of the worst during humanities development. She got treated terrible by any and all nobility. Even just regular rich people like merchants. She was never treated well even amongst her people the poor and the commoners. No wonder she was fucking bitter about life. Humans by default love to be in power especially after being abused. But she was also being forced to be an extra piece of shit by that head maid that bitch. They set her up to abuse Penelope which as a collateral she got some venting of her pent up feelings and her own abuse. MC didn't trust her until the end of the 4th season. I was skeptical of her at first but she won me I love her.

The Butler Penell: I kept reading his name as Penniel lol. He sucked ass but he fixed his attitude first. I still don't forgive him for what he let the brothers do.

Eldest Brother Derrick : I can't even begin to recount you the times I screamed at my phone for him to go FUCK HIMSELF. Never liked him. Never did anything to redeem himself. And he's worse than trash now. Worst ML candidate ever.

Older Brother Reynold : Oh how I hated this bitch badly at the start. If I had to choose one of the brothers I'd pick him but ugh. He tried to redeem himself a bit I guess? I LOVED when MC gave him a reality check and verbal slap over the face. She read him for filth. Like the privileged rich white straight man he was. That he's never known real struggle real hunger REAL pain. I can't say I hate him anymore I can't say I adore him. He's an okay/like.

The Sorcerer Winter : Tbh I don't have any bone to pick with him aside from him deceiving our MC and threatening her life like... Multiple fucking times. And doing weird ass test. She ain't got time for that she's trying to secure HER LIFE. Thankfully it did lead her getting a ton of useful things like finding out the antagonist Ivonne and those weird cult people. He's okay I guess. Their dynamic was interesting it didn't feel romantic at all I guess because MC kept pushing him away and keeping him at a distance since she assumed he would be the one to bring forth the one that would end her life.

The Swordmaster Eckles : Oh my sweet dear how I loved you at first. I love the "I can fix him" trope! But it was easy to see that the way MC was approaching and treating him girl... She never showed true affection for him. I thought he was going to be the end game at first. But the chapters went on and I was like "where's her affection for him? When does she fall in love?" IT NEVER CAME BITCH THIS IS NOT A CLICHE STORY. I locked the fuck in. I was more worried about her safety and her life then finding a romance to save her. I was preoccupied on how she was going to save HERSELF. I didn't expect him to be acting he wasn't a swordmaster tho and then he turned and bit the hand that feeds him. That was cool it took me by surprise I thought he was gonna be just an obsessive mad dog.

The Crown Prince : .... Help?! I forgot his name!! The MC and everyone addresses him as such so I forgot his actual name lmao. At first... I didn't want him as the ML. I agreed with the MC he was just a death flag anywhere near her I mean their first meeting he almost slit her throat??? What the fuck dude. NOT THE WAY TO A NOBLE LADY'S HEART!! But as time went on.. he went from a black flag to a red flag! A morally grey flag and a red flag mixed in one. Just think of a grey card with red stripes. I get it tbh he's gone through a fucked up childhood like MC and tbh? He had it fucking worse. He was fighting for his life against assassins and giant bears and shit. What the fuck? And he has to be flawless ALWAYS or else there will be problems. I'm not surprised why he's so full of rage all the time. I didn't like his constant threatening to the MC but at the same time it didn't feel serious? Like he wouldn't actually kill her. He said it several times he may be very very angry but he would never just kill a random person much less a NOBLE. (He almost proved me wrong last chapter.. but he held on because of MCs influence on him.) The more I got to know him, even if it's stereotypical, I like him as the ML. He's complex. And he's on our MCs side. I hope he doesn't get brainwashed easily same for Winter I mean c'mon y'all gon let a tiny skinny girl brainwash y'all with a piece of a Malta bottle from the trash do that? Aren't they supposed to be strongest of the empire? Regardless, he's changing. Maybe he'll realize he CAN love and not just resign himself to having a political marriage and a partnership only in his life. That he can provide MC the love she DESERVES if he let's go of fears and the trauma he's held onto instead of processing it. To let himself feel ANYTHING aside from damn rage. Which he has been proving at least in the last chapter of season 4 he is.

Antagonist Ivonne : Girl. You cannot be fr rn. This is our antagonist? I was not surprised at all tbh but seriously? I'd rather have a brutal villain/antagonist than those who play games and act innocent it pisses me off. But it's smart very smart! I mean she already got Derrick eating out of the palm of her hand and she's the og FL. She has to have some overpowered item or plot armor.

The Villainess Penelope/MC : Oh my Penelope my sweet baby girl my love my dear darling. I love you. I love her character. If I wrote everything I like about her this already long comment will turn into a whole book I cannot afford to do that at 2am right now. The fact she was finally free from those people in her life and was going to live the life of a normal college student, make friends, fall in love, improve her health and then... BAM! Woke up in a game she was playing as a character that was treated as equally bad with the same family dynamic that tormented her in her og life. But this time worse cause she had also the servants and the knights and the entire fucking noble society against her. She did so well and clung on to life. She was so cunning and smart! Seriously. But then again she was still just a girl like hello some things she couldn't predict. She was only 20 years old and in Penelope's body she was what 17? And at the end of season 4 she was just freshly 18. With these grown ass men (aside Eckles) BULLYING her and putting her life at risk in both her lives in the game and outside. Honey I'm so sorry. And she was also an orphan on both lives without her mother and both lived in poverty. Starving. WHY HAS SHE NEVER FUCKING KNOWN PEACE? MY SHEYLLA!!! Ugh .. T-T Continuing on. I'm glad she never expected anyone to save her. She took things into her own hands and never stood idle. She didn't hold onto her pride and did what was important which was successfully confirming her survival. Sadly she failed (for now). She deserves happiness pls. When she started falling in love with the prince I was like "you're joking..." And when she asked for LOVE of be loved wholly without anything being asked of her without any ulterior motives just simply loved and he said he couldn't and it was childish? My heart broke for her. And now that idiot is going crazy cause she's in a coma and says he'll do anything love her worship her destroy the country for her. Should have said that BEFORE, dick head!! I just wish for her happy ending. Where she has everything she's ever wanted. Freedom, family and love. I can't wait for the next season.
