ye in first life he didnt take mc's confession seriously? He thought mc hated him so he was sabotaging him, not that mc liked him. He still fell for mc despite being "hated"
ML got 2gether with haesol to use her as a mask? Haesol looks like ml's mom and ml's enemies would think that he has a weakness/has less composure and lowered their guard around him smth like that. in the first and this life ml was never attracted to haesol whatsoever.
(Further spoilers, ur choice to read) ithink first life haesol knows ml didnt like her and wasnt that sad abt it bc i think haesol actually liked the mc, too lol

Iirc, in the first TL Woojin and Haesol had a sham of a relationship. Woojin asked for Haesol's co-operation to fool his step mom into thinking he is an emotional fool who is love-starved especially for his mother. Since Haesol looks like his biological mom.
ML neither hated nor had romantic feelings for MC until the moment MC died in front of him. That was the moment ML realized MC held more importance in his life than he thought. Also ML later says he didn't know what living like a normal person was after MC died. His only wish was MC could live a long and healthy life if possible.
And Haesol and MC's relationship hasn't been explored much just that initially MC created trouble for her after woojin announced they were dating. Haesol and MC would fight/bicker a lot. Haesol didn't seem to hate MC either but its not clear of she liked him but it is a possibility.
Can anyone spoil me if what I am thinking is true?
I think Woojin actually does not really hate MC before regression. Maybe he already likes MC without him knowing? I am not sure about the girlfriend part so if anyone has any spoiler let me know (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ