
Catgomoo March 3, 2025 5:59 am

hi can anyone please explain what guideverse is to me?

    LotusCrisps March 3, 2025 6:19 am

    Usually the story will explain what guideverse is cause every story is slightly different but basically, there either gonna be a monster/alien/zombies that start appearing on earth and miraculously some human will get 'awakened' as either esper/guide..

    ESPER is when a person gain a special ability, like telekinesis, fire, water you name it.. those esper usually are devided between ranks, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SSS (again, the ranks cound be different every story).
    Esper can always wield those power at a cost ofc, if they went too long without 'guiding' they will accumulate negative energy and they will went beserk (which will endanger others cause the esper will lose control) and potentially died

    GUIDE is is a human that gain an ability to calm down espers negative energy by dispelling those negative energy... through.. physical contact.. lamo that's why yaoi guideverse is full of hot scenes
    Oh and they also devided by ranks just like espers..

    There's probably gonna be different version for every guidverse story though, this is the most basic one

    Arieno March 3, 2025 7:40 am

    There's something the previous comment forgot to mention that Espers are Typically very possessive of their guides. 'Profundis' as a Guideverse manhwa is an example of just EXtreme Horror and Gore. Some other ones are slightly milder.
    Once a Guide is marked, They cannot be marked by anyone else, that's the rule followed in most cases. It's once in a quadrillion chance that a person can be both, Guide and Esper at the same time.Also

    Arieno March 3, 2025 7:47 am

    An esper can AlSo be a Bottom just like a guide can also be a Top, 'Guiding Hazard' is an example of that. On a side note, be sure to read some casual or fluffy stuff when u read Profundis cuz the amt of sex scenes are just unbearable at times. The gaslighting and severe manipulation coupled with MC' helplessness at times is just severe, the novel version is more than that.

    LotusCrisps March 3, 2025 7:49 am
    There's something the previous comment forgot to mention that Espers are Typically very possessive of their guides. 'Profundis' as a Guideverse manhwa is an example of just EXtreme Horror and Gore. Some other o... Arieno

    Oohh truee but those 'chances' also depends on the story.. there's story were it is possible to be awakened as both esper and guide but most story usually only allow either one.
    Some story also include 'compatibility rate', this things refers to how compatible the esper reacting to the guide powers.. no matter the ranks, if they're compatible then the guiding process will be more effective.. although if they pair higher class esper with lower class guide the guide might get tired more easily

    LotusCrisps March 3, 2025 7:55 am
    An esper can AlSo be a Bottom just like a guide can also be a Top, 'Guiding Hazard' is an example of that. On a side note, be sure to read some casual or fluffy stuff when u read Profundis cuz the amt of sex sc... Arieno

    Omg true, profundis is one of the more hardcore guideverse story, i recommend reading senza replica, i'd say this one is a fluff guideverse.