Y'all dirty pedo whores have no logical comebacks other than "ThEy ArE LiKe a KiD THroWiNg...

Itiswhatitis March 3, 2025 5:43 am

Y'all dirty pedo whores have no logical comebacks other than "ThEy ArE LiKe a KiD THroWiNg TanTrUm" ,"ThEy ArE cAmPiNg HeRe","iT's JuSt FiCtIon" and it's a COMMENT SECTION bitch if your snowflake ass can't handle some negative comments in a comment section of a PEDO manga then grow a fucking spine and deal with it instead of always whining about how others hate this shit,i can bet on my life that most of y'all are just horny edgy degenerate teens getting off on partial loli porn and hiding behind the fact that it's fiction i wonder who's the ACTUAL KID here lol

    Squash March 3, 2025 2:57 pm

    Ok how old are you tho (just asking because i am curious about you)