so i read till ch 246 in the novel

pluckaduck March 3, 2025 3:00 am

basically kang dude and the freckled maid confessed they were the conspirators. mc almost dies from slitting his wrist. ml redemption arc ensues. the old lady dies. mc realizes he cant heal unless mc leave the place of his traumas and restart their relationship. but then kang kidnaps mc. they both die, mc reincarnate into 2023. mc remember his past, and probes ml, but he doesnt seem to remember. since he's not the same person, mc wanted to get together with him, since he still loved ml, and their relationship will be without the baggage. ml have been his secretary for 10+ years; he is hesitant at first, but eventually agrees. mc also reencounters the other figures in his past life, and the old lady is actually his maternal aunt, but they dont seem to remember their past lives either. over time, mc begin to hallucinate past ml bc he still miss him. once day mc sees that ml have this old photograph of the two together from 70 years ago, and had bought the house that mc had lived in after he and ml separated. so yeah, ml remember his past life when he was 20 yo. but reincarnated rich 14-yo mc didnt remember him at all; ml worked his ass off so he can serve mc and basically gave up any prospects of friends, family, and aspirations to completely devote himself to mc. and when mc remebered his past life, he pretended not to bc of his guilt and thinking it will be better for mc. but the plot twist is that mc had realized he remembered his past life. and pretended to be ignorant bc he could be happy in this baggage-less relationship, even if it's a illusion. as long as ml hid any clues, then mc woudlve pretended too. anyway, mc cant forgive ml entirely, but maybe partially bc he still love him. mc encounters the kang dude, who remembers the past and wants revenge. mc calls ml, who comes, but they both get kidnapped. they both make it out alive, and kang is dead. mc forgive ml completely

    LucreziaBorjaa March 6, 2025 6:56 am

    Okay thanks for that, so I wouldn't have expected anything like that

    pluckaduck March 6, 2025 1:16 pm
    Okay thanks for that, so I wouldn't have expected anything like that LucreziaBorjaa

    np! i think the story handles this type of situation relatively well. and at the end, it didnt feel forced that mc forgave ml bc ml is estalished as a pretty good guy, he just made huge mistake which he paid for for the rest of his life, and continuing on the next.