This utter scumbag literally tried to manipulate Dan through the only person in the world that he cares for/cares about him… I don’t give a crap if that got him any sort of realization, it’s just another fcking low. The pure kindness and trust this dying woman showed to this lowlife just for him to try and use her as a manipulation tactic??? Doesn’t matter what redemption he goes through at this point, he just needs to pull the trigger on himself. Literally the thought of that major ass trying to coerce Dan’s dying grandma into abandoning her for the sake of curing his stupid impotence… It’s not relevant that she also wants him gone, her intentions for that stem from a completely different place than JKs selfish fucking desire to rip him away from his dying grandmother and move hundreds of kilometers away to keep on acting as his courtesan… I need jk to die before the grandma does on god
This utter scumbag literally tried to manipulate Dan through the only person in the world that he cares for/cares about him… I don’t give a crap if that got him any sort of realization, it’s just another fcking low. The pure kindness and trust this dying woman showed to this lowlife just for him to try and use her as a manipulation tactic??? Doesn’t matter what redemption he goes through at this point, he just needs to pull the trigger on himself.
Literally the thought of that major ass trying to coerce Dan’s dying grandma into abandoning her for the sake of curing his stupid impotence…
It’s not relevant that she also wants him gone, her intentions for that stem from a completely different place than JKs selfish fucking desire to rip him away from his dying grandmother and move hundreds of kilometers away to keep on acting as his courtesan…
I need jk to die before the grandma does on god