Can someone please tell me how to read the obsessive possessive top Hangul at the end of c...

ChocolateMouse March 3, 2025 1:20 am

Can someone please tell me how to read the obsessive possessive top Hangul at the end of chap 10....the shortened version too please. Thank you

    March 3, 2025 3:06 am

    - 집착광공 (jib-chag-gwang-gong) For the original words.
    - 집착광 (jib-chag-gwang) + 공 (gong).
    - 광공 (gwang-gong) For the slang term.

    I hope this is what you meant

    alittlebitdevilish March 3, 2025 3:07 am

    I'm not a native speaker so I used Google translate but
    집착광공 would read something like jibchaggwang-gong
    and the shortened: 광공 would be gwang-gong
    집착 (jibchag) would be obsession/obsessive
    광 (gwang) would be manic
    공 (gong) would be "top"

    ChocolateMouse March 3, 2025 11:47 am

    Thank you so much