Can someone please tell me how to read the obsessive possessive top Hangul at the end of chap 10....the shortened version too please. Thank you
- 집착광공 (jib-chag-gwang-gong) For the original words. - 집착광 (jib-chag-gwang) + 공 (gong).- 광공 (gwang-gong) For the slang term.I hope this is what you meant
I'm not a native speaker so I used Google translate but집착광공 would read something like jibchaggwang-gong and the shortened: 광공 would be gwang-gong집착 (jibchag) would be obsession/obsessive광 (gwang) would be manic공 (gong) would be "top"
Thank you so much
Can someone please tell me how to read the obsessive possessive top Hangul at the end of chap 10....the shortened version too please. Thank you