jaegeng dumbeng

Tamago March 2, 2025 6:47 pm

I gotta confess it always takes me by surprise that Jaegeng isn’t disgusted by granny or doesn’t treat her badly. Like I would even expect that coming from him and that sums up the kind of guy he seems to be. It’s insane how he refuses to see his own feelings and even tells himself that this is all it is. He thinks of Kim Dan’s suffering face while also actively saying to himself: I just gonna get back on track and Im gonna use Kim Dan for that, that’s all that is to it. Ofc he caught feelings and ofc he’s pretending to not understand them T_T Can Kim Dan please tell him to go use somebody else for smex? It’s not like it has to be Kim Dan, right? If it’s his jinx, then anyone could do it… Kim Dan should have that conversation with him and tell him directly: why does it have to be me? You can use anyone for that jinx. Ofc we already know he can’t because he’s obsessed with Kim Dan but it would somehow make him think about his own situation and force him to admit nobody else would do.
The funny and by funny I mean depressing thing is that if Jaegeng actually told Kim Dan: I’m sorry, I love you, it just has to be you, Kim Dan would literally become his slave and do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for him. It would be THAT SIMPLE…

Im gonna call him Jaegeng until he gets a character development T_T

    Riholu March 2, 2025 7:07 pm

    I mean, JK already knows it has to be Dan. He tried to sleep with someone else, but he couldn't get it up. He's just too dumb to acknowledge WHY it has to be him, thinking that Dan's just the perfect puzzle piece to complete his comeback, as their chemistry is that great. But feelings-wise? He's still a mile behind.
    If Dan brought up the matter for discussion now, he'd probably just blurt out some stupid shit about how his ass feels the best, or something equally physical. And if he djd say he couldn't get it up with someone else, Dan would ask him if he likes him, just to recieve the same confused face as Jiwon in BJ Alex.
    Dan already believes he's just a toy to JK, it'll take much more than a question to change his opinion.

    What confuses me instead, is how JK is capable of being a nice person, helping the folks around with their problems. It may be him putting up a front, but damn, can't you just as nice to your gym comrades and who's actually close to you?
    Makes me wonder if he also was brought up by a grandparent.

    Audmod March 2, 2025 7:55 pm

    I feel like he definitely tries to respect the elderly. I feel like it’ll be revealed that he was close to someone elderly while growing up.