I hate della bru. He womanizes keith, rapes him and calls him a dirty slut. Then goes on saying princess like bro. Thats pure male manipulater shit. Like shes such a whore idk why hes saying that. I hope he dies in a fire and this shit is so ass
wdym? That's basically how prison life is. If you're weak, you are someone else's bitch. Boldie
Mfs always defending fetiziation on everything. Yes we know but this is heteronormative and super sexualized based on authors fetish on gay men like shut up
Mfs always defending fetiziation on everything. Yes we know but this is heteronormative and super sexualized based on authors fetish on gay men like shut up Im gonna hate :P
I hate della bru. He womanizes keith, rapes him and calls him a dirty slut. Then goes on saying princess like bro. Thats pure male manipulater shit. Like shes such a whore idk why hes saying that. I hope he dies in a fire and this shit is so ass