Fuck adam i hope u fucking regret cheating on Paris with two dudes so much u wanna kill urself, UGH this was so FRUSTRATING, Cam is def more more more better, i stan for CAM
(fck this shit if paris and adam get back together ill kill myself cause NO, shit adam is fkingghgg annoying me, im sorry for all the adam stans)
I bet no one Stan Adam!!!! And true cam is better with Paris, and Nate is way more better with Amanda!!! The only character that I like is Nate and Amanda tbh, and Amanda is matured?
Fuck adam i hope u fucking regret cheating on Paris with two dudes so much u wanna kill urself, UGH this was so FRUSTRATING, Cam is def more more more better, i stan for CAM
(fck this shit if paris and adam get back together ill kill myself cause NO, shit adam is fkingghgg annoying me, im sorry for all the adam stans)