it has over 100+ chapters. iirc story is about a western Chinese cat vampire demon hydrid and an eastern Chinese vampire zombie, former Wang Ye. story started with the western vampire trying to drink the eastern vampire, but since there’s no blood, he ended up sucking him dry like a popped balloon. the story’s kind of a slice of life comedy with a bit of lore here and there. the other couples include 1. the eastern vampire’s older brother (former Emperor) and his maid (the mother of the western Chinese cat vampire, not by blood, but by biting/infection) who accidentally locked him inside his tomb, causing him to die and turn into a vamp, 2. wolf tribe hotel staff and western vampire cat/grandson of western Chinese cat vampire (again, not blood-related), 3. the original cat vampire (the maid’s father, again, not by blood) x original werewolf, 4. moth bois, 5. the underworld’s most beautiful demon (cat vampire demon is extremely ugly in underworld standards) x underworld high court official, and so on. it feels like a fever dream, but i know it exists. trust.
it has over 100+ chapters. iirc story is about a western Chinese cat vampire demon hydrid and an eastern Chinese vampire zombie, former Wang Ye. story started with the western vampire trying to drink the eastern vampire, but since there’s no blood, he ended up sucking him dry like a popped balloon. the story’s kind of a slice of life comedy with a bit of lore here and there. the other couples include 1. the eastern vampire’s older brother (former Emperor) and his maid (the mother of the western Chinese cat vampire, not by blood, but by biting/infection) who accidentally locked him inside his tomb, causing him to die and turn into a vamp, 2. wolf tribe hotel staff and western vampire cat/grandson of western Chinese cat vampire (again, not blood-related), 3. the original cat vampire (the maid’s father, again, not by blood) x original werewolf, 4. moth bois, 5. the underworld’s most beautiful demon (cat vampire demon is extremely ugly in underworld standards) x underworld high court official, and so on. it feels like a fever dream, but i know it exists. trust.