This whole situation would not have happened if ether of them showed they loved him, like my god how did they raise the boy for him to think no one loves him. I just hope they actually address this issue and not completely ignore it after this conversation but my guess is they are going to do exactly that. ( ̄へ ̄)
From the prologue, I believe they will address it because Edgar becomes glued to Marius and ends up being friends with Lily (although he calls her his subordinate)
From the prologue, I believe they will address it because Edgar becomes glued to Marius and ends up being friends with Lily (although he calls her his subordinate) ChrissyD
I hope they both realize how much they failed him, or the girls beat some sense into them after they find out how he was raised. I will be so happy if they both get scolded by their girlfriends here’s to hoping it happens, ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
This whole situation would not have happened if ether of them showed they loved him, like my god how did they raise the boy for him to think no one loves him. I just hope they actually address this issue and not completely ignore it after this conversation but my guess is they are going to do exactly that. ( ̄へ ̄)