HEY everyone! I do have a question about ai no kusabi : it's been many years since I watched and read the novels, but it's only now (since I recently rewatched the anime) I'm asking myself : why there is no women in this world or where are they lol? why there is so many men in the slurs and in the low city like ceres? is it because men control everything? does riki have parents, since we rarely see women? and how the blondies are ...created? selected? (is there a school, are they genitically modified to be better human?) there is many things that are weird and mysterious for me In Ai no Kusabi, But I REALLY love this anime and novel so I need answers!
HEY everyone! I do have a question about ai no kusabi : it's been many years since I watched and read the novels, but it's only now (since I recently rewatched the anime) I'm asking myself : why there is no women in this world or where are they lol? why there is so many men in the slurs and in the low city like ceres? is it because men control everything? does riki have parents, since we rarely see women?
and how the blondies are ...created? selected? (is there a school, are they genitically modified to be better human?)
there is many things that are weird and mysterious for me In Ai no Kusabi, But I REALLY love this anime and novel so I need answers!