i wish everything that happened to my beautiful angelic uke would happen to that asshole �...

gojogirthsicle March 2, 2025 1:26 am

i wish everything that happened to my beautiful angelic uke would happen to that asshole “prosecutor” instead

    c.c.world March 3, 2025 3:09 pm

    ?? Tf why. The mc is doing literally everything voluntarily??. I'm sorry but do u have a few screws loose??
    The ML literally warned and rescued our MC at least 3 times, in situations involving taesoo. He told him, bro, he's dangerous. What does mc do? Continue talking w taesoo. ML tells him that taesoo is drugging his drinks. What does mc do? Take a drink mixed by him and gets drugged.
    ML ONCE AGAIN, tells him that taesoo is fuuucking dangerous, what does MC do? Continue hanging out w him and eventuall gets raped. But heyyy, ITS THE PROSECUTORS FAULT CUZ HE DIDNT WARN HIM???!

    And talking about the goddamn gangbangs and what not. IT wa sthe UKES decision, the TOP LITERALLY DIDNT SANT TO HURT OUR UKE?!?!?

    In this story, the fucking UKE is the toxic one and responsible for alll wounds and decisions!